Wind scooter (ninjago/male reader) - Chapter 9 - Mikey_the_turtle (2024)

Chapter Text

As a bird lands on the Destiny Bounty. In the gaming area, Kai was about to play his game when he then heard whistling through the door, it was Lloyd who come up behind him, stuffing something in his pocket.

"Hey, Kai! I Saw Cole beat your high score. You should have seen it. It was pretty spectacular."

Kai smirks “Uh, you must be talking about Sitar Legend.” Kai points at the Tv “This is Fist to Face Two. No one beats me on my game.

“Hm, Could be wrong. See ya!” Lloyd started to whistle, continuing his stroll through the bounty.

Kai loads up his game and checks the high scores to find the Black Ninja's profile on each and everyone of them : 9370, 7277, 5759, 4209, and 3224.

“Huh?” Kai scowled “Cole!!!” he shouted

In the kitchen, Cole is preparing dinner.

“Mm-mm! Violet Berry Soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly...” Cole takes a sip of the soup and he gags once it touches his tongue.

Lloyd opens the door to the room.“By the way, I saw Jay spice things up. I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!” Lloyd waves bye at him, before making his leave. Cole's face scrunches up and spits out the soup. “Jay!”

On the upper deck, Jay has kendo gear on as he prepares for his fight with the sparring bot.He puts on his helmet and gets out his nunchucks.

“Let's ease our way into this. How about level Two, shall we?” turning on the bot it suddenly goes up to level 9.

Lloyd Whistles, and stops halfway down the stairs.

“Hey, Jay. I saw Zane try to repair the sparring bot earlier.” Lloyd slightly tilts his head.“Isn't that your expertise, Anyway Later, bro.” he turns heading back up the stairs.

“Wait! What?” He tries to turn the sparring bot off, but it laughs deviously as it starts hitting him. “No! NO!! ZANE!!!!”

Further up, Zane, in his pajamas,is about to hang his laundry as Lloyd comes up to him, continuing his whistling.

“Hello, Lloyd. What brings you up here this fine morning?”

“Kai wanted me to pick up his ninja suit. He said he threw it in with your whites.” He searches the laundry and finds it. “Here it is. Thanks.” He heads back downstairs leaving Zane confused. Zane then Rummages round the Laundry basket pulling out one of his ninja suits and discovers it is now all pink and gets angry.

As Lloyd walks back to Ninja's shared bedroom, he bumps (M/n) who seemed frazzled. “Oof.” Lloyd falls to the floor knocking a small blue crystal out of his pocket, while a small gray string hangs out of it. “Oh shoot!, sorry Lloyd.”

(M/n) Immediately gets on one knee to help Lloyd get up.
“Hey um have you seen my necklaces?” (M/n) He grabs Lloyd and stands him up.

“Oh yeah, Nya took them off drawer, I'm not sure why, anyway see ya later.”
He slides away whistling the same tune.

(M/n) shrugs, his eyes widened slightly as he looked down seeing the blue crystal, he sighed. And He picks it up off the ground then puts it on his neck.
“Just in case I'll ask Nya if she saw the one with Tenzin’s whistle on it.”

He walks off heading into the bridge.


Down below, the ninja are arguing with their accusers.

Kai yells at Cole “You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!”

Cole yells at Jay “Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!”Jay yells at Zane “It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!”

(M/n) shouts to no one specifically he might have better chances talking to a brick wall.
“Has anyone seen Tenzin's whistle?!”

And Zane yells at Kai “How am I supposed to strike fear in this?” He shows Kai his ruined ninja suit.”It's pink!”

Master Wu enters as the ninja continue to argue with each other before opening the bathroom door where Lloyd was hiding, he laughs evilly. The ninja soon see some spices that he used to ruin Cole's soup, (M/n) necklaces/Whistle was around his neck, the tools he used to damage Jay's robot and the detergent he used to ruin Zane's ninja suits was right behind him.

The Ninja gasps while (M/n) glares and sighs. "You did this?"
“Boys, I get first dibs on…” He goes up to Lloyd to punish him, (M/n) smiles and stops Cole.“or we could put his stuff on a high shelf, like his favorite hoodie.” he looks at the hood that Lloyd is wearing at the moment.

Lloyd grabs on to his jacket and holds on to it. Wu slams his staff on the floor stopping the boys scheming.

“No dibs or high shelfs ,I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble. Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?”

“Uh, no offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion: today's lesson is lame.” Cole folds his arms.

“dumb even.” (M/n) adds.

Jay nods in agreement, "Yeah, why can't you just teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger, or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?"

"Because not all lessons are about fighting…. And I misplaced my lesson book.", Sensei Wu says, slightly embarrassed.

Kai finds a lesson book sticking out of Lloyd's back pocket and swipes it, "You mean this lesson book?"

Lloyd grumbles,"It was the perfect plan until you have to show up and mess everything up-"

Cole,looking at Lloyd, slowly closes the door on him.

Nya's voice comes through the speaker “If you're done fooling around, I could use you guys on the bridge. We do still have a snake problem to attend to!”

Kai groaned “It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you. But having my sister here? I mean, come on! I thought this was a ninja headquarters.”

“You do know I can still hear you. . .” Nya sighs “over and out! “

Kai bites his bottom lip, while he looks to the side, feeling guilty cause he got caught. The ninja then headed to the bridge.

As the Ninja groups up in the bridge (M/n) jogs to Nya and leans on her shoulder.
“What you got for us!”

Nya points at the big screen.

“Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd and is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs.”

Lloyd sighs remorsefully “Ugh, don't remind me.”

Sensei Wu turns to the Ninja, "Pythor's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed, there's no telling what he'll do."

Jay panics, "But those tombs could be anywhere. Without the map, we might as well just throw darts at a map."

Nya smirks, "Good idea. Why don't we?" She throws two darts at a map. "These are the two locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs."

Kai sneers at Nya, "Show off."

She walks back up to the screen, "And this is Pythor's tomb." She places another dart on the map. "After many hours of ruminating on why the tombs were placed in these three precise locations, I discovered a secret pattern. If you notice, all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for serpent."

"So the last two tombs must be here and here. Ah, you are so smart.", Jay gushes.

“Ah, was there ever any doubt?” She smiled then without looking, her and (M/n) fist bumped.

“There's little time. Kai and Jay, you head to the Venomari Tomb. Cole, (M/n),and Zane, you take the Constrictai Tomb. And take this. You might need it if you run into Pythor. Good luck, ninja.”

“What am I gonna do?” Nya asked
Lloyd agrees, “Yeah, what are we gonna do?” Nya's face scratches up.

“Nya, I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble.” Wu informed her.

(M/n) steps in the conversion “I can do that, Nya could go with Cole and Zane.” He walks over to Lloyd and rubs his head. “We could catch up, and play video games!”

“That cannot be done, you know why (M/n), maybe next time Nya” (M/n) nods, but you could see the reluctance on his face.

Nya groans, slightly annoyed. “Yes, Sensei.”

Cole turns to his team “Let's go, boys. We got some snakes to the club.” They all run off cheering, while (M/n) staggers a little, saluting Nya a good bye, before running after them.

Wu Sighs and talks to himself as he looks at the map. “Where are you, Pythor. What are you up to?”

Zane and Cole drove to the Mountain of a Million Steps (M/n) and sat on top of the truck of Cole vehicles holding on to the wing.They dismantled their vehicles once they approached the base.

Zane groans from wearing his pink gi.
“Why did your Vehicle disappear like that?” Cole asked (M/n)

“I don't have a jet like Jay, helicopters are pretty loud, we don't want them to know we're coming.

Cole nods. “Right!, Well, our vehicles won't traverse the steps, We got to go the rest of the way on foot.”

“But this is the Mountain of a Million Steps. Aren't we pressed for time?” Zane looks at Cole.

Cole smirks under his mask.“Then we'll take a shortcut.”

Cole carries Zane while he climbs the mountain.

“Am I holding on too tight?” Zane asked

“Light as a feather, Pinky, (M/n) i'll be back for yo-” he looked back at the ground and he didn't see him.

“There's no need for that.” (M/n) says climbing passed him.“Race you to the top!”

(M/n) shouts getting ahead of him.

“Wait what!?” he rushed after him.

They reached the top of the mountain.
“I win.” (M/n) said with a big grin on his face, he put his hands over his head so he could breathe better. Cole bent over trying to catch his breath, he glares at (M/n), then slightly pushes him away causing (M/n) to giggle.

Zane peers into the hole of the temple. “Looks like Pythor was already here. Perhaps we should investigate.”

Cole, still exhausted from the climb, Huffs out a few words. “Give me a second. Phew. Go on and start without us.”

Zane nods and goes down the rope,Landing on the ground, Zane lights a torch and he see some images on the wall, as he investigates he still can hear (M/n)’s and Cole’s conversion.

(M/n) smiles cheekily “you’re still out breath?” (M/n) gets behind Cole and grabs his arms and lifts them over his head. “There!, so your lungs get more oxygen.” he pats Cole's chest and heads to the Hole to start going down.

Cole exhales.“thanks!” Cole says finally catch his breath.

(M/n) snickers “No problem.”

(M/n) climbs down, and Cole follows after. Cole tilts his head, "Huh. Didn't momma snake ever tell them not to draw on the wall?"

Zane reads the images to Cole and (M/n), "These images describe a legend about one tribe uniting them all."

"Those snakes had been at war with each other for centuries.", Cole points out.

"Well, it says here, once they unite, they can find the Four Silver Fangblades that will unleash the Great Devourer, an evil that will consume all of the land, turning day into night." Zane explains.

(M/n) looks at Zane “Dang, you get all that from those little pictures?” (M/n) starts to touch the wall.

“This gives me deep concern. If Pythor's not here and unites all the tribes together before Kai and Jay find him—” Cole cuts off Zane.

(M/n) starts looking at the wall deeply but then he hears low rumbling, stopping his train of thought, he starts to put his hand on his weapon.

“Relax, Zane. They're a bunch of dumb snakes who believe in fairy tales. If anything, we've got all the…..Did you feel that?” the rumbling got closer.

"What?" Zane questions but (M/n) looks away from the wall and nods.

Cole feels the ground shake a second time, "There's something in the ground. Don't move."

As Skalidor comes up from the ground and is about to grab Zane, (M/n) quickly shoves Zane out of the way, being grabbed instead by the snake’s tail.

(M/n) begins to be lifted into the air "Snug." (M/n) said struggling to breathe.

As the two were about to attack Skalidor he put (M/n) in front of them, "How stupid can Ninja’s get."

“While you are crushing my lungs, I doubt there is much blood going to my brain.”(M/n) grins.

Skalidor grins back, and squeezes him more.

Zane scoffs, "Did you stay behind just to tell us that? Pathetic. Let our friend go!"

Skalidor smirks, "Look who's calling who pathetic, Pinky.” While the big snake was distracted (M/n) was able to get his mask off his mouth, he bites down onto the snake, the snake's eyes went wide and threw (M/n), Skalidor then tunnels underground.

“(M/n)!!!” Cole and Zane Shout simultaneously.

In the dust (M/n) comes out with a bit of snake tail in his mouth, he spits it out.
“It tastes like dirt.”

“Zane, (M/n), go for the rope.”
Zane and (M/n) reach the rope, but Cole doesn't, he falls into a hole.

“Cole?” Zane shouted.

Cole shoots out of the hole and Skalidor comes towards him underground. Thinking quickly, Cole plays the flute, but Skalidor chokes him, "(M/n). Zane." He drops the flute.

Zane quickly Spinjitzu his way to the flute. (M/n) protects Zane by kicking Skalidor in the back of the head. Zane plays the flute, causing Skalidor to groan in agony and releases Cole.

"Wrap your head around this!", Cole wacks his scythe against Skalidor's stomach, knocking him out.

They take a breather.

Zane takes a breath, "Ah. Good one."

Cole nods and places his weapon on his back, "Thanks. But if he was expecting us, I think Kai And Jay are walking into a trap.

(M/n) nods “Then let's get to moving “

Kai and Jay arrive in the Toxic Bogs. “Ew.” Jay covers up his nose looking at Kai.

Kai Sneers at Jay offended “Hey, it's not me. We're in the Toxic Bogs.” Kai plugs up his nose. “This stuff will eat through you worse than Cole's chili.” Kai picks up a stick and places it in the acid filled swamp, then shows it to Jay. To get to the temple they swing on veins and jump on the trees, landing on the snake island, they see the Venomari tomb and open it, but they see nothing;it was empty.

Jay covers his noses with arm now. “Pee-yew.” The tomb echos Jay laughs.
Kai Sighs “Let's just make this quick before Pythor gets here.” he then hears something.“Huh?” He walks away.

Jay peers out for the edge of the temple. “This place looks empty. We must've just missed them. Check this out. They say you're the Green Ninja, but I say I am.”

Jay's voice echoes back “I am. I am.”

Jay yells a little bit harder. “I am!”

Jay's Echo repeats again. “I am! I am!”

Kai hears a frog croak and grabs his sword. “You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. Heh, if I wasn't such a well-trained Nin–” The frog jumps on Spitta, who emerges from the bog and spits his venom on him. He starts hallucinating.

“Ugh! Jay? Jay!” He shouts for help.

“No, I'm the real Jay!”

“No, I'm the real Jay!”
More Venomari, along with some Constrictai emerge from the “water”, and ambush Kai.

“Oh this is not good, Jay! Jay! There's so many. Elves and gingerbread people everywhere." Kai drops his sword and goes into the Fetal position.

Jay regains focus when he hears Kai screaming he jogs over to him holding out his weapons to protect him. He raises a brow. "Okay, I don't know what you're seeing, but this is no time to lose yourself. I need you, partner."

"I've never fought little people before. We're toast!" Kai cries.

Cole, Zane, and (M/n) then arrived just in time.

(M/n) looks over at Kai, "Kai are you okay?"
As Jay was about to answer, Kai turns to (M/n) and grabs his arm, "There are little people everywhere!!!"

(M/n) staggers holding back a laugh.
“K-.....Little people?!” (M/n) then looks at the snakes, then his team “we gotta get him out here.”

“BOO!” Pythor comes from the tomb, and Jay screams causing the rest of the ninja to look behind them.

Zane tries to play the flute, but Pythor Snatches it out of his hands.

“Now, let's not let music ruin things, hmm?” The snakes surrounded the ninja causing them to jump onto a log to get further away, they started to drift away.

“I've got a sinking feeling this may be the last I see of you four.” He laughs.

Cole scowls “That's it. I used to hate Dragons, but now I officially hate snakes.”

Kai looks up “Wait, do you see that?” He points “A magic floating rope. We can climb to safety.” Jay pulls Kai back before he falls in the bog “Boy, that Venomari Venom is some powerful stuff.” The serpentine start to laugh as they sink further.

Zane looks at the team. “For whatever it is worth, it was an honor to fight beside you all.”“Me too.” Cole reassured Zane.

(M/n) nods.”it was.”

Jay takes a step back from the edge of the log, "Yeah, ditto."

A rope dangles in front of them.

Cole looks in shock, "Hey, what?"

Kai sways a little"The magic rope. Ha."

“......are we sure that's real, and we didn't get venom in our eyes?”(M/n) questioned

Jay urges the team onto the rope “Quick. Everyone, climb over.”

A Samurai mech appears in front of the Serpentine, throwing nets causing them to retreat.

“Oh, dear.” Pythor backs away.

The Samurai opens the front and walks out lifting one hand “Pythor target confirmed. Time to bag and tag.” They shoot a dart at Pythor as he runs away which makes contact.

The Samurai jumps off the mech as the ninja approach closes.

“Who are you?” Cole asked.

Jay starts to get excited “How about the coolest thing I've ever seen?”

“Santa?” Kai slowly blinks and tilts his head.

Zane bows. “Thank you, mysterious warrior. I owe you my life for saving— the Samurai renders him unconscious.”

Jay then gets defenses now “that wasn't nice.” The Samurai does the same for the rest, The Mysterious warrior, then gets brung back into their mech, and they fly off, as they fall off the blue fog clears out and (M/n) is still standing there confused.

“What the What?!” he looks around frantically.

After a few minutes the Bounty flies overhead and picks them up from the bog.

Sensei Wu, Nya, and the Ninja gather at the dinner table. Listening to Jay explaining the events that occurred,"So then, just when we were gonna bite it, this huge mechanical robo-"

Zane corrects him, "Samurai. It was a Samurai."

Lloyd raises a brow, and looks at Wu"A Sama-what?"

"Samurai. Highest level of warrior class. They would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield.", Sensei Wu explains.

Kai lifts up his arms and slightly shouts., "He was a hundred feet high, with weapons coming out of every part of him." He looks to Sensei and Squints eye then leans over Cole, "Look at Sensei's beard. It's moving like snakes."

“When is this Venomari spit supposed to wear off? It's starting to get annoying.”

Kai tries to eat a gyoza but instead of putting it in his mouth, he puts it on his cheek. The others look at Kai's face as the gyoza slowly falls off.

(M/n) looks at Nya“I mean at least he is calmer, when we were back in the room he was was weirD.”

(M/n) has a flashback of all the Ninja in their shared bedroom, Kai just stared at his hands.

“Hey Kai, buddy lets drink some water.” he held the cup in front of Kai

Kai continued to stare.

“My hands have mouths and they're talking to me.” (M/n) then looks at other ninja and they shrug, Kai then suddenly slowly puts his hand on (M/n) faces.

The flashback stops and (M/n) shivers.

“It was funny, but creepy .”

Cole grumbles, "Okay, don't let this mysterious Samurai cloud what's really important. All the Serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them, the legend states some Great Devourer is gonna consume the land and—"

"Great Devour-er?", Nya asks.

"Whatever it is, it's a can of worms I don't wanna see open."Cole finished.

Lloyd sighs, and puts his forehead on the table.”Ugh, it's all my fault. If I hadn't opened the first hatch, none of this would've happened.”

Wu tried to reassure Lloyd “We cannot change the past, but we can affect the future. At least we have the Sacred Flute in our possession, so—

Jay butt in while he plays with his cup.”yeah, Ahuh about that.”

Zane fidgets with the back of his neck. “Pythor sort of stole it.”

Wu becomes stern “The last Sacred Flute gone?” he sighs “you five are Ninjago's last hope.”

The Alarm then starts to blaring at this speaker.

"Cold vision must have caught something. That means the Serpentine are near.", Nya explains.

Cole gasps, "Oh, no! Ninjago City?"

The team runs to the bridge. On the screen, a projected 3-D Model of Ninjago City and underground are the four tribes meeting at the center.

“How many are there”

Kai looks up at the screen, his face puzzled.“Looks like all them”

“Pythor must be trying to unite them.”

“Go. We mustn't let the five tribes unite.” Wu urged his students.

The ninja run out of the bridge and using Spinjitzu they change into there gi’s

Zane sighs at his pink gi “I must get this taken care of.”

Kai continues to spin, losing focus and balance due to the Venomari's venom, he then falls. “Whoa!”

“Don't worry. It'll wear off soon.” Jay said hovering over Kai's body, he then held out his hand. “For now, you're coming with me.”

The ninja skydive down to Ninjago city. They cheer, except for Kai, who screams, as they jump off the Bounty.

Jay who is still holding Kai, turns his nunchucks into his jet

Cole inhales.“Ah. I love the smell of land hurtling towards you in the middle of the night.”Zane and (M/n) nod, before (M/n) speeds forward and turns his weapon into his helicopter, zooming down.

Cole and Zane manifest their vehicles, and ride along buildings to get to the ground.

They all land meeting up in an alleyway.

The ninja looked around amazed. “Whoa.”

“Ninjago City.”


“Always heard stories of this place.” Kai said gawking at the buildings

“Biggest city in all of Ninjago. Always wanted to come here.” Jay said grinning under his mask.

“Yeah, I always dreamed of one day being on a billboard here.” Cole looks at Jay.
Kai and Jay turn to Cole. “You too?” “Yeah, I did too.”

“Look at all the lights!” (M/n) smiles under his mask.

“Uh, but may I remind you, where are the snakes? We should be standing in the middle of a massive Serpentine gathering.”

The ninja look around, then approach a manhole.

Cole groans with disdain “Ugh, I hate snakes.”

In the gathering at the sewers, the Serpentine chatter, Pythor looks around scanning all the Underlinings, in front of Him.

Skales approaches from behind. “You'll have to use more than words to bring the Serpentine together.”

Pythor Turns to Skales he faces unchanging “All I have to do is show them the way.”

Acidicus cuts into the conversion before Skales could add anything. “They're ready for you, Pythor.”

Pythor finally grins “Ah. Showtime.” he slithers to the front of the subway and addresses the rest of the Serpentine “Friends, enemies, and enemies who pretend to be friends.” The Serpentine laughed. “I welcome you.”

The Ninjas approached quietly from above.

Cole's eyebrows fold. “That's a lot of snakes.”

“What are we gonna do?” Jay slightly peered over looking at the nest.

Kai grins.“I have an idea. Follow my lead.”

The ninjas run off.

Pythor smirks. “And what is with the Constrictai and their vice-like grip? Let it go already.” They laugh once more.

Fang-Suei leans on his knees. “It's funny because it's so true.”

Pythor chuckles “Heh, but in all seriousness, the reason why I called this gathering is because...the good people of Ninjago imprisoned us in those insidious tombs, and I want to return them the favor.” Pythor words laced with vice.

The snakes cheer, and Kai, going unnoticed, slides down a rope from the ceiling.

“That sounds like a great plan, but you know the Hypnobrai will screw it up.”
Mezmo looks around at the snakes “Who said that?”

(M/n) goes behind a subway train. “I know we’re having our meeting in a sewer but who else noticed the smell got worse with venomari here!”

Jay comes up behind the nest. “Those buck teeth can bite my rear end.”

Spitta looks up at Pythor “Huh?”

Cole chimes in “I bet they're drinking their own venom.”

“All that digging must have given them dirt for brains.” Zane says from above.

“What's going on? Why am I losing them?” Pythor turns to Skales, enraged.

Skales starts to shake his and shrugs, but he then sees a black spot moving in the room, he notices Cole.“Ninja!...Don't worry, I'll take care of it”

He slithers away, using the Constrictai he captures Cole, Kai, (M/n) and Jay.

Being surrounded, Jay yells out to Zane, "Run!"

Zane runs into another tunnel coming across a dead end, he hides in front of a poster of the"Sitar Legend". Zane goes unnoticed due his pink gi camouflaging him. And the Constrictai head back.

Pythor whispers to Skales, "Did you take care of them?"

"All but one.", Skales signals to a Hypnobrai soldier to open a door that shows the tied-up Ninja they have so far. The Ninja struggle to get out of their restraints.

Pythor sneers, "Search every nook and cranny. If he's a Ninja, you'll never find him in plain sight."

Chokun points, "Look, a Pink Ninja!" Zane swings across them all.

"Go, Pink Ninja, go!"The Ninja cheered.

Zane kicks Pthyor and Skales off the subway, he rushes over to his friends and releases them from their bindings.

“Now let's get out of here.”

The ninja uses the extra rope to swing across to get to the other side to get to the tunnels.

The Serpentine follows after, chasing them down.

“Let us blow this popsicle stand. Ninja, go!” Zane uses Spinjitzu to get further ahead.

Jay snickers “Popsicle stand. Haha, I like it!”

Zane pulls out his shuriken, blasting ice into the tunnel causing it to freeze over, he then throws them, turning them into his snowmobile.

The Ninjas hop on,then make their escape.

The horde of Serpentine try to follow after, but they slip.

“You'll have to do better than that to unite the tribes.” Skales holds on to Pthyor to keep him steady

Pythor shrieks, "Get your hands off me!"

The ninja are back on the Bounty, back in the dining room, finishing up their dinner.

“You know, whether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage.” Cole tosses a piece of food in his mouth.

Kai nods “And now the Serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together.”

Jay turns to Zane “You know, I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it hadn't been for Zane.”

Zane shakes his hand “Don't thank me. Thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for his "laundry skills," we all would've been found.”

Everyone starts to laugh and Lloyd comes in with Zane's white gi.

“Well, it took me twenty loads, but your suit's no longer pink and (M/n) I never give back your necklaces.” Lloyd takes off the whistle and tosses (M/n).

“Welcome back.” (M/n) kisses the whistle and puts it around his neck.

Lloyd turns to Cole. “And to show that I'm sorry. Cole, I got you a can of nuts.”

Cole playfully glares at him, "Uh, haha, yeah. Don't think I don't see what this is. When I open this, a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right? Yeah, no thank you." He opens the fridge, only to have snakes pop out. Everyone laughs.


(You should totally like look at these: Ninjago Character designs )

Wind scooter (ninjago/male reader) - Chapter 9 - Mikey_the_turtle (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6452

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.