The Marysville Appeal from Marysville, California (2024)


WxiuiKiiuv, Dccombar I2th. Assembly met at 1 1 o'clock and opened with prayer by the Chaplain, Kv. Fitrgersld. KMUIM'TIKXS. A rosnlnHon was iutndurrd by ilurphy uf Del Norte, calling on Iho Chair lo appoint a sumuiiiiso of lira tu provido mean for the pro-teeiiun of dcpa'ils is seringa bunks and lean so-Civtios.

Aduptod, Ad to 2d. lly llulliway That Cungrsss ba asked for an appropriation for lii impiiivomeut uf Wilmington harbor. Kaforrod. Hy Pauley, uf bau Diego Asking the Cum-mitlee un Hclronrhment tu rvpurf to-murrow upon lbs number of buuki to supply members with the (VI. llezulution In rncuurags rifln practice in Ihe army at the I niiud atates anJ militia of ths Slat.

Itrfrrred. lly My-rs That Profassor Davidson invited dtlivrr two or more lectures upon ths subject of lriigsliuD, tendering lha Assembly Chamber for ths purpose. Carried. ukiWvoi: kuom tit* azaira. That the Bvnats has Hissed concurrent reznlu-tion No.

11, nine No. 10 upon standing role. ox cum. On motion of Wilaun, Sargoat was added lo lh Commitlsoon Clsiins. lI'JulgXMl.

Bavaral unimportant roaclutions were introduced and laid over until tu-iunrrow. Adjourned to 11 u'eluck to morrow, December 1.1th. AT WILLIAM COHEN I CO.S. AT 93 8TREXT East Side, Marysville Dour mamma," laid a smart little cherub of five or na summers, "do gel ms of Fresa'a Hamburg Tea 1 don't like to taka any other medicine 1 always tool so wall after taking a cup uf II. It never makes me tick Ilka lliosa nasty pills." Btoxk Jt Hnwtan bars lha best etuck uf Lsdio and Gent lluld Watches and Chains ever un.r.i fog sale in Marysville.

nuv2Utf Tuz finest Oranges at Woodward's. ON AfR.irXT OF MIKING ROOM FOR OUR large spring Murk bare entered the prkc ua imr entire iliiu nt HUY foKll alHi CAKPkTd.aud WIH aril un end after ibis dale for rath al the folfowli 1 raids mat for $1. 3 1-9 yards Wide Shettlig, 25c a yard. ltKAKasiTsii. A pruh-uar in tha Jail, who girvs his aims as John Pile, was rvar rented yesterday for rivaling a pair of blankets prior la bis arrest and inearseraiiun in tbs Cvuniy Jail.

About a inoalh ago he sh le l'rutu lieu. Holding, iif Williams, a pair of alcove buttons, lor which he was tenteueed to titty days eonlinement in tbr County Jail. It seems, however, that prior to hi when he caua through Colusa a 1 fugitive fiom Willows, he sew a i-uir of blankets in the Coluia House, which be took possession of. When he was pul iu the County Jail, he, uf Course, took his biankrU they wore rie-vr-nized by J. I.

Mvlliviu, risuner then in the joil, as his. Mr. Mulhvin's wife bad scut them to him, and they were left in the Culusa House. This being the second offense of petit larceny, he will no doubt puy Sun Quentin visit as soon as hs serves out his entuuua for thu steeling of the sleeve buttons. SraruL SIsktixu.

The Hoard of Town Trustees met in pursuance to ceil by the President, at tbs City Hall last night, fur the purpore of taking into consideration again Ihe ease of Speel vs. lbs Town of Col-isa, of which action we have before spoken. Ws learn that Wm. Malloway, large sheep owner of this county, from whom Sped gut tha sheep to kaep on shares, now comes in and says that 8peet did not own tha sheep, that ha (Malloway) owned them and bnusht them in at the time they were sold at auction by tha Marshal, aad that nobody was damaged. It this is true, and we haea no reason Tor doubling it, fur we gut it from good authority, Mr.

Xpeel'i claims will bs knocked endways. lapoaisxr Ciuk. Judge Keyier yesterday muroieg rrudered judgment in farur of plaintiffs in tha ra-s of Houston llros. vs. ths Xhaiiff of Colusa eounty.

The ruse involved some 7,. WO sheep, which, it seems, were at-laebed by one parly to pay the indebtedness of another party to whom the sh-iep did not actually belong. The Houstona claimed lb sheep, sued fur the recovery of them and gut judgment. A. Hurt and Judge MeKune, ol Sacramento, appeared for i-laintiBs, and K.

1.. Haleb, S. T. Kirh and W. F.

lioad represenli-d detendunt. Weak. We saw yesterday some splint work done by a young lady uf Culusa County Miss Cushman, uf Xewnllo which shows lhat ths young lady has great deal of genius in that direction. 1iclure frames, brackets and olhi-r ornaments for Ihe parlor are made up from splint, in the must ar'istie style. The work is un exhibition and fur sale nt llusnier Cameron's book store, on Fifth street.

Ihe work eannui be excelled anywhere, and thu young lady ahruld be encouraged. tiuixn Timk. The dedication uf thu new Odd Fellows Hall, at Williams, on Tuesday evening, by grand ball, was attended by pcm-le from all parts of ihe county, notwithstanding Ihe hnuddy roads, eonaeUcn.inl of ilia cent rain. Musie was furniahid by Ihe Arbuekle City Hand, and was, of counts, excellent. Tha aupper was provided hy Ihe Williams ll.iial, ami it is ipufirn of by thus who wore there from Colusa, as mu of the most cligant ball suppers siren in this county.

Thu Ths investigation of the ease iif lh I'eople vs. Antoine Moriun, indlrled fur Ihe killing of a man at Halts City, several months ago, was commenced in the District Court yesterday morning. 8. T. Kirk isdafcndnnt'setionmy, and the District Attorney, assisted by Homy Slur, uf Sacramento, will represent thu i'eople.

Ohiiixikkii. The meuibeig of the gymnastic club met on Tuesday even'ng. unit iffictwl a IM-riiisncnt organization by Ihu adoption ul liluliun and by-laws sod the election of the fo'. lowing officer i President, tl. A.

Kern; Yim-1'rcsident, Thus. Itickoeil S-crelary and Treasurer, W. II. Mill. lggSuXiL.

Henry Star, an atlurney of Xae-rsnirnio county, is in town at, being in-gaged on the part ol Ihe prosecution, in Ibe ease of the I'eople vs. Antoine Marina. Dr. Ms. Clclland, in excellent gentleman and very line physician, of Irincelun, was in town yoatrnliy.

wit a la 1-rcruilM-r 13.1. DOKKNIIr KIRK. ttraalr rrorcedlags. isioxi.Tox, December 12th. la iho mornir.g huur a great number uf petitions and many bills ware presented end referred.

KJmunds submitted resolution authorizing lelucl committee Iu toko intu Cunsiderslion the tat uf Ihu Uw res pooling the aserriaining and declaration of the result of the vlcetioas of President and Vice-President of tho I'nited States, and to also consider an-l rsiHirt upon tha best manner of electing thoso officers, and Iho duration uf their forms uf office. Agreed to. At ths expiration ot ths morning hour consideration was resumed of unfinished business, being ihe resolution of Matthews declaring tho right of tho tlnvornmrnt to pay its bunds in silver, end Chaffee submitted ihe following as a subs'ilute: That all bonds or lha foiled Stales issued or authorized lo bo issued under said Asia uf Congress heretofore recited, are payable, principal and interest, at the opinion of Ihe Government, in coin uf gold ur silver, uf stundunl value when such bonds were issued, and to rvetors to its coinage such silver coin ae legal tender, coequal with gold coin, is not in violation or tho public luitb, nor in liorogation of thu right of public creditors. Ordered printed. Frorerglsgs In I hr hom*o.

Wasiiim.i-ux, December 1-lb. Immediately after ibe rva-iirig of the Journal, Morrison said be noticed that Ibe Speaker yesterday appointed sevuisl members lo different committees in place uf other members excused, lie do-iroJ lo know when members had bean excused. 1 bv Speaker said ha had asked permission to ffll eertain vacancies. Moirlsun replied lhat lhat was nut his question Tha Huusa had never excused those gm-tleman from serving un ronunitlois. Could member excuse himself 7 Ta Speaker answered that it haj boon Ihe uniform practice to rxcusa gentlemen who did not wish lo servo.

tkairnissshlp of the ran Hr Railroad t'ummti-Ire-Hi led llalms lommhwlwa. Wamiiixutox, December 12. h. The House Commute un Pacific lUilronda this allornoon voted that Throckmorton has succeeded to Ihe Chairmanship, under Ihe rules of tho House, and jliat the Cummiiluo diciiucs to excuse him I rent service. The House Fureisn Affairs Committee has arsed lo a nil! providing for tho immediate distribution, by Ihe State Dnpartmcnt, uf lha first installment received from Mexico on account uf Ihv awards of (ho Mixed Claims Commission, excepting those for Mrii luiubru claims which Ibe President is authorized to zuzpend for lha present, in order in make them subjects of diplomatic rurresimndrnce, or imssible investigation, it such a course shall bo found dosirebln.

Bnrard la liralb. PimniUHii, December 12ih. Tha lleringer Cl'y Hotel, at ileringcr, Iunn-ylrania, was burned this morning, and A. II. Moran, a guest uf the hotel, burned to deaih.

faihullr Pi Iral tammlllrd lo Jail. Kimixa (K. Dccambcr 12th. Her. J.

Hlouuiur, leilur of St. I'alricke Cslhulic Church in Ibis city, wee eunmiilted to jail yvstcrdai fur contempt uf lha ltccorder'a Court in rofusing Iu answer a question pat by Ihe Court in reference to a esse uf alleged bigamy. The pastor stands un the ground uf iirofosaionul confidence, not church di-eiplino. thtraga Markets. t'liiriuo.

Decomber 12'h. Wheat, (I 07 corn, t.l',; whisky, ft O.Tjg. rwKMun minx. ruaslbtliiy or imIUjsT Imprarhureal -The benaice Kcrneal la Mast Ms a Uizsolallua. laaia, December 12th.

Tho Wy eceiewr speaks of thu poz-iMIily uf President MseMahuu'a inipesebnirnl. Tho Clerical organ Heft a.r says the Sonutu'i refusal lo sanation a dissululiun wan'd release MscMalnm frum hie promises, and-iaara him free to retire. Tha Ih ftHtr, however holms thu I'rciident will not ba eagnr In seize such an nPIHirlunfty, and thinks his devotiun In the country will suggost tu him aluftior and firmer resolution. Krrurltlrs la laaiua liOxiHix, Deiwmlier 12th. Four and a half percent,, '117s, 1 "'1 1 ea-eoupun; hMOs, ll)H7a; now luT; Krie.tM,; profoirod, 2SJ j.

Liaa Thaw 3H.DIMI Nra. I.uvihix, December I2ib-it is now said that Ierha surrendered Itugethur less thun men. ill wool ranel'a hair drrss foods 25c a yard. 101 white hUakel $3 SOaadapwards 11-4 white blaakeu 95 aad apwards. XIM'KLLmOIN A BITS.

llcAnr irlrcitng sii iii rod i.v lte ui -t HIM! milt cm dl-p ay In Bad-room, Parlor, Dining-room, ano Kitchen Furniture, Kr.ruil mllulli' mark I al FKlINr NilASb'lEli'. lll-loi 2 ami 1 lin'd. SELBY C0 33, 35 and 37 Street. Marysville, IMPORTERS JOBBERS IN AKrlriilflurnl linplenieiifw. ZZAnSWAXlB, IRON, STEEL AND COAL.

Sea I'ranrlie Rote. Fax Dirembi-r 12'h. Gill I'pcnod in New York, Docuinbor lllh, at at 8 p. M. at 1U3.

(iovarjinienl IniiiiIs, KV's for b'a uf 1887; 1117 fur 5' uf JHS1, i x-i'uupoii i 105 for 4jv'si lauifio Mail, 21; Wet turn Iliion TVli'graph, 77 Panama Railroad, 1 28 Sterling. 4 S2'j(-4 80. Silver was quoted tu London December lllh at per our ee, 825 line; 85's cx tiitiMoat: Ir.ilcd Status 5 pur rent, bonds, 107 aud for 4)4 per runts, oa coupon. Legal Tender aro firm at 87 buying and 97? telling. Broker are buying half dollar at per Guilt, discount, and tolling thorn at 4(d) pur coni, discount.

fiisdn tars are quotwl at 96x buying mid 98 tailing. Tha Livorpooi wheal market was givnn December lllh nt 12s 7d0kl2- 10,1 for average California and 12s 10J(13 SJ for cluu. Silver bar were unted in Now York, Ducuniber lllh, nl I221 in greenbacks, 117 in gold; silver coin, Jsfej discount. Wheal was quoted iu Chicago December lllh, at fl u8Js. Man Mean.

Tba following aru Iho quotations of talas of thn Regular Board this morning upon ing nod closing: Ophir, Mexican, $15, 14T; Gould A Curry, tUX 111 db llelchcr. $28, 20 California, 20; Con-solidsled Virginin, 9287a, -'4; Choltar, $44, llalo A Norcrnts, fill 't 11; Crown FoinfiSa.S's; Yellow Jaeki-tll 11'4; I.iiHinal, fil 10, 1 15; Kcntui'k, fi7; A I 1 2 1 1 Ii, dehor, J7Js, Sierra Nevada, f.S, 14Jii Con Ad-neo. fid, 8); Bullion, fi7's 7lt I'nion Consolidated, fi7's, Ails, fil7s, 17); Julia, fi2 78; Clo duiiia, fi I 4 70; Kick Island, 2llr: Silver Hill, llalliiiiore, fil 1 4i: Now York Consolidated, fil's, 2 38 Dayton, 70c; Overman, 25: Juslico, lli VVianlvillo, fil Savage, Andes, fil HI, 1 85; Lady Washington, fill; North Careen, 10c; Leviathan, t5c; South Justice, fil; Ward Lee, 1 05; Nortn Coiisoltdabnl Virginia, fil III; Trojan, p.V, fil; Mnnuincntal, 10c; Benton, fid 6(1, 2 fill; Boyle, 75c, 80c; Solid Silver, St. Louis, 43c; Senator, Kxcliiq wr, 4Ji 1 78. Kiraing Baard.

Meadow Valley, 40a, 30c; Eureka Consolidated, fil Jackson, fil, 3 85 A In, flOjjglO; Kya 1'alrb, fi5; levpanl, fil 38, 1 25; Gila, fil 50, 1 45; Norlharn Belle, 112? 127' lluisey, 25c 1) drees, 70c; anil allan, fill Ja Grand Prix, fillV, ll's Argei.ta, fil 45.1 40; Navajo, 80, 8oc ne.1, fil Hornet, 25c Silver Star, fills la wmo, 10c; ILdla 1 le, 15c Modoc, 35c Day, 3 00 Coo Consolidatail, fi5 New Coto, fil; Goldan Chariot, fil 10 Loads, fi2 05, 2 75 LYntinuhs, fil li.Kliu, $2 00, 2 60; Fipiop, fil 50, 1 00; Impciisl, fil 10; Wnndville, fil 9J, 1 35; Halo A Nnrerost, fill's, 11)': Yellow Jacket, fill1, 1 1 Bullion, fifi7 Alla, 17 Calif irnie, 28; Ophir, fi4S)i, Savage, fil-)s. 13; Crown Point, fi7)a, 7i Justice, Ui Exchequer, fi4 75, 4 80; Dish, fillJs, Lon. Virginia, 924 G.iuld A Cnrrv, fils Caledonia, 94 08; liclchcr, Bar Uni, fi2 80, 2 75. Yesterday morning at 2 c'eluuk, Mary (foil-foyle, tho servant girl in lha employ of Jacob J. Hairs, No.

400 Iost strait, hearing a noiaa in thu adjacent room and supiioting it waa burglars, throw ap her window anJ blew a pulles-uian's whisllo. Instantly a rsvulver wax thrust through thu window intu bar faea, and ns tbs screamed Murder it was discharged, tha bell taking effect in bar abuuldcr. An Ilicar will) was altractrd by tba whittle, taw tha burglar sealing bigh funes and shut twin at him, but without rfieel. Turning round. Ins idUcar raw another buiilar in Ihu kitchen, who (but it him.

Mr. and Mr. Hairs, ouaiing down stairs were met by tha imprimned burglars, who nimplly showed (hem ths front dour in their airy nithlJreaiTi, and turned lbs key. Ths house by Ibis limn was surrounded by pulwemri, hut thn burglar Icaimd uul id a rear window tu tho tup uf board Irnea and into tic adjoining yard, aad made hit eaeaim iletpila pisiul ballali and aarnust pursuit. No clue but but and pair uf bails.

The servant girl weuud is savers but Hid daug, rout, A Herman named Henry lUap-r was found haiiaiug Iu a lamp pus. in Jeffanuo Hquare this morning. It waa avnJuoUy a aaaa uf suicM. Dersaaed hail been of unsound uf 1st. He was a laborer by ceeupaliua.

Tha uttie Mining Cuatpaay hav attachad lha proparly of Shultz A Vug llargea. Tha imrticulais will not ba ubtaiaad uaiil a lata hour. Now is tho Chance TO EUY BARGAINS IN JEWELRY Great Reduction FOR SIXTY DAYS BY A. DAVIS SON. lo ardor ta niaha raws lar lha gaala arrlrlair fraw lha aad Maa I'raarlMa dally, aad la Nil or raalrarla, wu affvr la hr isisfellr gaosla al lha fallaalag rrdM llaa i Waltham Watches, Inluziulu silver vsmmwIiIi gold Juliilt- prlrv 2a Boducedto $24.

ELGIN WATCHES, ounce coin stln-r rises, giikl Julms, exm lias -taU-c, 2s Reducod to $24. LADIES -A QCSrS WATCHES, Kolul Kokl, llu Himt raami ihe uartvt. Iruui d0 lo S2W, Reduced 15 por cent. UDIES MD GENTS CHAINS S.Ihl-gnUl tram ,22 30, Reducod 15 per cent. LADIES AND CHILDRENS NECKLACES, From fil upwards Reduced 35 per cent.

Ladle, Gens' aad Children Loekets, (H lh brst pattern and tartar, from npnanls, Reduced 20 percent. Large Klerk Laillm Nolld (Sold foeln, (taolsili uf Hn slot from (10 la file. Reduced 20 per cent. IADIKS AND CIIILUBEK'8 MAI.II GOLD Lottes' sou tlilMnu'. esrrlngfi Hum ,2 tu I3 Reduced 20 per cent CUFF SHAWL PINS Of lbs la rs! patterns, hem (I to fix, Reduced 15 per cent GENTLEMEN1! STUDS AND SLEtVE BUTTON, (X aesmt derlgas, aad la- piUma, from it il ta ,2.

KKKI ALL KlKSM'Llfcl AND VB shall ctFliHfivnr nuke It aiioHn't lo all lo call aiul saiulne Hi stuck pnri I tan ti rleea ht n. im'IAIII Greet ba lvalue In gck Silk. Raiyeins in Table Linen. IlargBln ta Quilts, ttargataa in Brown 4b Bloaehod Cotton iisrgaius la Canton Piannol. lieigetu In Ail-Wool Flannel.

Ksrgslns In CorBOtS. In Hosiery. Harvains Nottingham aoo. Dergeins ta white A Colored Bordered Handksrchlafs. iiancsins in Fancy Goods.

Ilargalne In gdawls. Bsrgelni In ClOakS. RsTalni In Carpota. ItarvMne Iu Oil Cloth. Ilargslns In Matting.

Pargeins ta window and Upholstery Coods. CjII rally end srrara as th's la THB GREAT SALS OF THE SEASON. mm. CUM EM ta Detract, three ibiure malbuf Odd Fellows 1 dnidAwll SOMETHING- NEW THK PATKMr IXI'ITAIGR Carpet Stretcher ANU TACK l-IAMMER is i k.c. unsrf a iHivSIf Kxdiialte Awtia Mar)vlllp.

At thk Dlii I'uavan Jacob Williams, having removed from Ihe building and taken up his quarters in tha Chapin building, on the corner of Main and Filth sireals, ami having just received and placed in liii saloon a fine billiard table, would be pleased tu meat his old Marysville Irionda when they visit Culusa. A I)kau Wmqiit on KKTCHriMK. We curnur wlih the Shu Jose Mercury that it viiuM rn-iu to rqiiru but litila arguin' r.t to mriTiiico any iiitatligoct mind that all I'fpiviil liurdrr.a upon and hindrancti to trade, in llio way i( a license las itn-potud by iminii-ipal corporations, ii not only an Liju.i dircriminatijn against in dulry, but furiously detrimental to the prurpcriiy of Ibe community where such taioa are impored. It ii not, in uur jjdg-niMbl, the proper way to raiia revenue. It is tiling, not property, but an intangiblu privilege which should be at free a the air.

Why should the man 'who sells be required to pay a special tea for Ibe privilege, asks the Mercury We answer, liecauae be is obliged to 4y an outrageous law. The seller is rornarvd with Ins stock of goods and (breed to indirect bills frum evtry one of bis customers. You pay in-," sT the officer, fiiO a quarter, and collect it frum your patrons by adding a frui on 1 1 tbd price of gouile. It is a soil of legal bighwaymanahip, which orig inaied from necessity at an early day, and retained from force of habit. Uul the (ttry says correctly The license tax i- against the spirit of our institutions, inimical to the vest'd rights of the citizen, and should be abolished." Wukatlaxii Items.

liev. Dr. Boyle, of the Christian Church, is holding series of ineetirgi with view to organize a church here Out merchants are all get ting in new goods daily, and from appear ances trade is lively There has been no time fur ycais, when the population of Whi-atlaud was so great as now F. F. Caiinlntf has icinoteil his 11 household gods" to this and has his newspaper oliiceinalv airang-d over the Farmers' liank Thu liyp-y fortuneteller growilh lal from the lucre d-nv-d front Iheiscnrq u-r of our sU'ceplio'e young men and sentimental ladies, ha latter are all young The tall form rf W.

A. Jaiksuii ap I cared on our streets yesterday fr-sh from a trip to the Loiiu Star Stale. lie is ports corn pones as a healthy vegitab.v Uor citizens are talking of purchasing a roadway Ihtough the ltilvy place and lug the distance into Sutler county via K. uiiiloiis Crossing nearly one mile. A traveling photograph gallery oil wheels made iu mint into town last week.

Mrs. Scott and ner talented company arc ri heaising daily for her concert Christmas night fur the church organ bem Wo saw a erram colored mouse the olliui dev. raptured near town, about as large as Joe SaVoiy's whi.keil. The Steam Wood St.w. fii staled a few days ago that Messrs.

yia and Kl more had plnrcd steam machinery into thn wood scow formerly owned by John Venter and run by hand on the Feather rive', and that it would he soon tested. Thn proprietors coinpliilid their first round trip on Saturday last, and brought down from the wood depot, eight miles above this city, Iwoivu cords of wiHid. Tha barge is Go f-i-t in length and 18 fu-l lieam, and Irnni Hi to "0 cords of wood is a fair load. Tin-scow is run by a horse power engine, and the stern wlnel is winked by an endless chain the engine making four revolution to the wliia I hub. These unti-rpri-ing nu-n deserve sucres.

-ine of the boys have gin ii Ihotcow the romantic name of Wood My mph. The nw.ii rs are inditTeroiil ah ml what she is called provided It pays which it proiuisi to do. litui-LKY. A correspondent writing the Ari-KHl. fiom liridley, December 12.h, rajs that the town has taken a new start in I fc, and with its preii-nl bu-ineis and future prinpn-ts lookrf forward at an eariy day In c-mu olio i the best, if thu veiy town lit the county." Uur corre spot.

deni sajs (iiidley has do iblvd it population within the past six months, and there is not a vaeai.l in-u-a in the place, Dudley is located in the midst of the rich-'sl and mi-t roi1tn-tlve agrieulltiral lei ri tones in the aiid is eertain of la-coining a substantial town. Our contributor also in-loiius us that Ur id -y is soon have a live weekly journal, and that a bank is wanlid, as well as a dry goods store, hardware store, furniture store end cabinet shop. 4 Ksco kkiii. Tho San Juan Timti re IMirts that John Gettings, of Dobbins ltanch, who had Lis skull fraelured in tha fall of 1870, by tha limb of a tree tailing upon him has entirely recovered from his acrinut and well-nigh fatal injuries. For some lime after being hurt, he laid at Dubbins ltanch, cared for by his brother Dan.

Geti logs. Afterwaids be wes sent belnw nod placed in charge of some doctor at San Francisco who pronounced him incurable, lie then placed himself in ebarga of the Sisters of Mercy of that city, and after long nursing and flrillfol attendance. Gelling-was dis-hargid thoroughly curid. The cure is almost a miraculous ene. A Native or Maktsvili.e.

Adam Sehuessler, whrav sudden death was announced yesterday from accidental iLoot-irg at his residence in Yuba City, we' Inin in this city on the 14'h of December, A correspondent who furnishes lithe abo-e fails, adds in her note: The deceased was known to the people of Yuna City and Miller county, as well as the of Marysville, a a man of sterling inti-gr tv and unblemished character." The funeral tak-i place to-morrow at 2 nVIfck, from the late residence of the deceased in Yuba City. Loss cr Sight. The San Juan Timre says that one of Judge S' Lifer's eyas, altar a thorough Investigation Ly one of San Frai-cisio's best oculists, has been prt-ni-unced as hopelessly incurable. To one ol the Judg-'s sturdv, vigorous tempera ment, and vivacious disposition, this affiie-lion iierotne four fold more grievous in its character. Ilia earriesilv booed that the may prove to he mistaken.

Ax Old 8, ldier. Major Stephen Cooper filed yesterday a heum stead claim on a piece of land in Colusa eounty, which he pays fr in currency received as a pensioner of Ihe war of 1812. Msjor Cooper came to this cual in 184, f*ckeral or J. II- EaeELSTYX. Tbs funeral James II.

t-selslyn will be attended this mnrnir-g, at 10 o'clock, dim tha M. E. Church in Yufca City. Fiierds of the deceased and femiiyeri invited to attend, Litilk There is very lilt's sno in the m- untsins. The lincy A (lu.ii if.

Sih ii-stsn', says the snow storm of S-tiurdav was fast, furious, and over with in a short me, and the ground is rgain bare. FkRsonaL. On the Kith instant Mr. Rjsby, if the firm of Mery, foun I-" nsi, to be absent a few weeks. Police In the Police Court, yesenliy William Marr, d.

was found guilty and committed fur three deyt- Miss ta Simmons, of Cherokee Flat. Uutt- county, is telegrajbic opera or at (j liucy, Plumas county. New Stour Mr Gralam is about openii.g a large hardware and agricultural depot at Gridley Station. BOYERS Helissa (Eu de lelhM deg Carnipii.) inuiuiooniBiunz 1,300,000 Bottles. A SOVZBBOir BEHEST 70S IDYSPEPSIA, DMUEU OF THE 8T0IMCN, Am.

11 Xorwom AObotioM. 0euril Npot, 59 TABS PLACE, El BOIJ) BY ALL DBOGOUnt MIDI NCTON A oetld-lilp Whulesa's Hra'crs, Pan Pram-loro. NEW ARRIVAL nr Fall Goods AT Hochstadter St Bro.f coax kb or and skcoxd stbuts. Merhlag IrrlJral at MadralJ. Mupinio, December I2lh.

A fatal accid -nt ici'iirruii near here last ova-ning tu a youth of snai twclva youra uf ago, sun uf William McVcy. He waa out with niiua cumiwniuna hunting, and while returning bumo sat duwn lur soma reason, probably tu real. His companions continued on tbuir wy for sumo distanue, but bearing lha report of a gun stopped, and un looking hack saw tha buya hat ly into (ha air. They immediately hastened baok Iu tha spot and found him lying, with nna aid uf hi head blown off by lha dieebargo ut hizgun. The ttrikzi War Htraairr kcavra Maa Blrga Wcaibcr-FnEad Pend.

Six Dikimi, December 12th. The war etaamer Mexien sailed trum this iwirt yesterday. She How tha I'nitad Slates Sag frum her peak, and in passing ths herraoks fired a neifnpal ealula. Tha bonur was acknowledged ly lha troops in ths usual manner. So rain, and weather pleasant.

Alvah Mitchell waa found dead near his residence Monday, twenty-fir milaa lioa this city. SANTA CLAUS IIAS THI OLD FIRM Rnaalai lha um with iho BEST COODS KD KHTAGLIFIIKD IIIJ IIKADlfUAkTERg AT Reduced 20 per cent N. D. POPJBBTfi The Dab uf the Jaatira Mlalag lemMay. VlBUivis (Nevada), December 12th.

It la now bolievod that tho missing key of Iho sal where lha bulliun accmiati wore kept at tha Juatieo waa carried off accidentally by Baldwin, I dark uf Ihu Justice, now in Han Francisco. A now key waa made to-iy, and tba bouks will ba axaminad this afternoon. Christmas Bazaar, Mo. 68 Street. LATEST STYLUS Of Amctliyt, Tops amt famro Mine, tba Ikvofli of Um pabiK any price.

AT TOR LOWEST CASH PUCES! A large aad well selected elec FALL CLOTHING Ian Jat brea epeaed aad aha Paklle la latlled to laag at Quality, Btjrlr and Friers. The best Hrlected amt Impurlcl stuck of HOLIDAY GOODS Te be Found in Ibe Mate. Fckehal ip 'A i i. i.i am Smith. The ubgi qijics i tin- late William Smith took place jritordny afternoon from lhi ircihy-It-rian Church, which editier was filiptl with miathixuig fii-mls nr.d ai-iiuaiiiiaiii-is uf Uni ili-c-caswl.

The ri-ligious services were I'linrlucleii bv I ho Key. Mr. (lardoo, who dulivnred an liii-rcssive rll-i nurse. Dining tho muling uf thu futu-rnl train both lha b- ll uf Ihu Cliuich ami uf thu City ilali arerc lolled, 'lius adding suloiiinily tu tbs iH-cniiun. Thee were pnsi-nl in the line of procession di-lcgatfun uf Esi-mpl Firemen, who niter a journey Uignthcr of a quarter uf a century are at last separated by death frum their companion.

Tha fill-lowing prominent citizen officiated as pallbearers Justus Grrcly, J. 11. Ji-woll, M. Marcuse, C. M.

I'atb-rsun, C. M. Gorham, W. T. Ellis, W.

II. Faiks and K. A. Davis. Tho funeral train from tba Church tu lha City Cemetery comprised thiity-eight carriages.

At lha grave the usual rirviers were conducted, while the. body whs luwund to its earthy tenement. SuiixTUixo New. W. F.

L-rfavor, in addition to hruums, brush and wisp manu facluring, has on hand a full assnitment of wood and willow ware, mats, dusters, wire, twine, etc. Thu above goods are new and of the bust quality, ani will bo sold at Xan Francisco wholesale prices. Sl-p in at N'o. 1SI Second street, opposite tho Fosl-oflioe and see the new guilds. rzurAba.

During the past month a dick uf white pelicans have taken night quarters un thu street slough where they ll-h. Tha link go apd come from the Feather river every day. A month ago they numbered about one hundred, but the hunters have thinned Ihtiir rank to thirty nr forty or else thu ick has divided. Fcneeal oy Jutix Rohr. The body of Juhn Ruhr, aecontpanie I by releliyes and friends, arrived from San Francisco hy last evening's express train, and the funeral is announced thn afternoon at two o'clock from the re-i fence of Francis Shaifi -r, over Selby store.

Ax Oil Faixtixo. There is on eihi-bition El Wagnei'a store eh oil painting of ex-Msyur Gorham from the easel of B. Gurney. The picture is painted Inn phntogra) hie likvnars, and nil who vii it will at once say it is a specimen uf art of which tha artist may be proud. But Oxe Okyice.

Owing to tha consolidation of the two overland tclegiaph companies, after the first day of January next all commercial lit.inesa will be transected at lha Western Union office on Second street. MakixiCu Annual meeting of Wuh-ing'on K. A. Chapter, on Friday evening, for tha election of officers. Ctxnm.

Wholasals anil retail at Sin Francisco pricas. Also frsah shrimps reetivsd av.ry day at lari A Cu. declS-lw Fur genuine uuidulteratoj drugs, go to J. Xcoit a. OJd Follow's UuiMinx.

Get 14 Dox't forgot to call at ths Marjrsvills Bakery nd gut soma of thoso extra niea miaev pf-s, frem every day. Srorxs M. A. Msrausa having aids ar rangements with firsbc'iifs stock brokerage firm in Sen Francisco, is aow prepared to till all orders to buy and Mil mining stocks on ths asms farms as Ssn Francisco broken. Stock report! received twice dey from tha San Franeisro Slock Board par talegrapb, and posted at ths Westera House Corner Cigar Store.

fob7-tf Ths National Gold fijedal was awarded to llridlsy Kuiofoon for the best photographs in tha United Sts'ee, and tha Vienna Medal for tha bast in ths world. 4X0 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Dr. A. B.

Cti.uwKLL htv returnid from ths East, and will continue practice st his old rooms, Odd Fallows' Building. oci24-tf Silver Tliimblep, 50 Roduced to 25 cents. CMIIHt or KVF.MV PEWBIPflO From (2 60 to (10, Kcdufwd -10 per rani. Solid Silverware, And Silver I' Is led wore el the m-ut Lesat'ful dtrtin Irom fit i fid, Keilured 35 per rent. SPECTACLES, And Braztlilan Pebbles, Kvwywhen mM hr fi, Kedncrd in 53 50.


kxatk ruaairrxu. Tha Liautanaat tluvaraor annouBasd tha ap-ludntment ul ataDdiag eomaiiUaaa of lha Banal fulluwa Agriculture Kill, Montgomery, Crags, Flint ad Coleman. Claims McCupiiin, P. W. Murphy, Norton, Fforaun aad Hmith.

c*mserea and N'aviaathm IIowf.McCoppin, Baatal, J. C. Murphy and Doan. c*ntingi nt Kxiienrsa of lh 8onatu lingers, I'. W.

Murphy, Duouvsn, Whitary nad Crane. CoriMiraiiunz Searlez, Shirley, McCarthy, tlwin, I HI burn. Kvant and W. If. Browa.

County and Cuuaty Buundarioa Crana, Hill anJ Flint. Kdueztinn -Lewis, Donovan, F. K. Brown, Kogarsand 1 1 owe. Kngrouad Bills Craig, lluw, Flist, U.

D. Marphy. Kumllad Bills Lambert, Battarwhits, llil-born, Searlus and Purler. Finance Angnoy, MeCoppin, Uwin, W. II.

Brown and Nurtun. Hospitals l.aam, Craig and Flint. Internal lmpruvcmanta Fowler, B. D. Mure phy, Hoy i ton and Coleman.

Jndisiary McGarvoy, Hiarann, Curtiz, Smith, iurtar, Iwis, B. D. Murphy, Lambert and Craig. Miloago Smith, Whitney and Angnay. Military Affairs Boyston, Evans zdfi J.

C. Murphy. Minas and Mining lnrereats Culaman, Uwin, llatm, F. M. Brown and Kearlea.

Public Ituildinga, uthur this Pnsua buildings Dunuvan, Nunan, Goodwin, Bussell and liitnay. Swamp and Overflowed Laada and Publie Lands Piarsin, Fowler, Sbirlay, Kvaai and Dean. 1ublio Murals Munlgomery, Donovan and Dean. Publie Printing Shirluy, llsasull. Whll-nay, McGarvoy, Goodwin, liaymond and Nunan.

Irrigation and Watar H'gbta Sattarwhita, Fowler, liaymond, W. II. Brown and F. M. Brown.

Fisheries and Game Hilborn, Bill, Angnoy, J. (I. Murphy and Nunan. Lewis offered a bill relative lo a oonlraet with Bancroft eonesrnlng sehool lest books. Judioo ry Committee.

Porter of Alamods offered resolution that a eommitlsouf three ba appointed to draft rules Ol Ik Bvnats. Adopted. MeCoppin introduced bill to extend Golden fiats Park to Market street. Bun Francis oo delegation. Porter of Alamai'a offered a resolution lhat a joint committee of three from each Hour ba appointed to eonfor on all bills introduced ralsiiva to Chinos immigration.

Adopted, By request of Porlor of Alantoda, iho beoate proceeded to tho conridaraiion ot tho bill concerning tho btidga at Ban Antonio ostnnry. Tho tomato eoaeurred in tho Assembly au and-uicnt. Senate bill Ku. 44, referring lo beads of offices ia Ventura county, considered, and after discussion, referred to tho Finsno Commute. Hansts bill, No.

45, in relation to sehool di-triol in 8anta Barbara, pass' lo engrossment. Nqnan, of Ban Franeisso, Introdueod a bill tu provide hums for bumuleza children. San Francis dulegatiun. Adjourned (ill to-morrow at 11 o'elock a. x.

Ilaviaa Mmta a baernw hr lha pas Mi Ivan la Ihla 4'liy lh thlu llaa al 84a, I aaw affrr is najr I'rltals, I Mbnm aha, PHbllc iha LAKGEST STOCK or HOLIDAY GOODS FahlMlert Naryavlllw, ooxKisTixt; or LadlM aad Uaullrnra'a Mahagaay aal Laarel Writing Draha, Mahnalaa and French Vsara, Nalrh-ala, Tallrt Neia Card Krccl vrra, aad Jcaral Mtaada al lha laSsaa Pallrra s. ttraalae Pars-X aatrt Oraazaeala aad Ladles' Card t'aara. ALSO FIXB AIHOMTIIKXT UF -Natehals, Puraas. Qtevaa, Nandkerchlaf Noxaa, Elegant Gift Rooky. Albums, Chromoa, -Mottoaa, Ntatuary, Plot urea.

A UP I A MXXjZiZON tots Of 5-1 UsKilpIluiw tu ult all pmwM stid FRAMES Ol all descriptions mail unlrr un short iR.llr and at rta-unabla prlcaa. mm Tha Pahlle Mill tahu aallra lhag ws, bav staly 013 FBIffi. Itan'i flail ta rail at 3. D. TOPEiri, I Ha.

9 birret. MarikWlllr, ltd 2-1 Campobxia Kzi iiLLiu'Tioxa. llav. Jama Woods, who prvasbed tha Aril sermon in lb Brat Presbyterian church erected un this euast in this city, May 5th, Itt-TU, has written a book, narrating in an assy, sunversatiunal way, his roedluetions of many uf tha most interesting crania lhat earns under hit observation In California in lha aarly days of bar history. Tu pio-nttr Htocktuaians tba wurk will bs peculiarly interesting and valuable, as it is full ot reminisce Doaa of Stockton in tho days that are rapidly passing from tba memory of ths living.

Mr. Woods delivered ths first Prevbylerisa sermon Iho Sunday altar hi arrival bora over dulivnred in Stoekton. It waa in a cloth building, in on end of which was blacksmith shop, separated by a sloth curtain. quota his words I Whila I was attempting In wield tha goapal hammer to break in piaesa lha stony haart of ths sinnsr, ths blacksmith was wielding hia iron hammer to mould horse shoo into shape and adjust it lo tho foot of tho horse. But ths poor man hsd quits a preaiing lainptalion, for lha pries ol shooing a horn si eight dollars a shoo, thirty-two dollars if tha bursa was folly shod.

Ha boarded with bis family fur ten days at tba principal hotel whoso partitions were of cloth, and in which avery sound was audibla in tvery part. Tba lower story was ons satire room. Mod with gambling tablaa. Bach tibia rented lor Iwsaty-fivs dollars a day. Probablv on an avaraga (hero waa on fight day in this room, whsn pistols and knives would eraek sad flash in an Interesting manner." Tha book is being canvassed for in ibiseity by W.

D. Bugbeo. Stockton hultucw d.u l'KArn and lluniy, Tom sod Jerry and Hot Apple Toddy nt ths Vsstern Saloon, novdotf Ycea Paiav OraAxl milk icrvcd by Uili dairy, nHlill Go to Woodward's for tha bast Limas. Holiday Opkxixu. A fins display will bs made at L.

Kuhn's, street, qaar Third, during tha next weak, of Hutitbiy Gifts. Anything in ths book, toy, oney goods and notions lint can ba bad at Knhn'i. dcc2(f. Fog lh boat selection and latest styles of Jewelry, Watches, Silvtiwars, go lo Stunt A Howard's. noviVtf Ax iinuitdiats remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, Meadow's Magic Liniment.

Fur sals by til druggists. nuv2K-lf Ton axd Jnixy, Applt Todjy and Chicago I.iger st Jobgny Hormann's. Cill at that fovurito of Wearman A Harrell's, where you will always roceiva tha mutt polite and sinful attention. They heap tha choice brands. oetl5 PsitrreiiTiuxt compounded with care at Scotts' Drugstore.

oet)4 CsagiAOita to bo had at tho Western Hunts. j20-tf (Mat alkiad oar I tea NOTICE! I no 1ST PAIL TO VISIT THS STAR HAT DEPARTMENT Wa bava every lata variety ta FALL STYLES SILK, FELT, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. A- AU gmsl bought of A. Dsvls Hoa will be enslaved me of Han't hit to visit tha ZLar Jrwvtry Riurs brfora pwchtslag where, S7 STSKKT, aklYtTILU. aovIXdAwlf If you want to give a sutMsniUl CbrMaisa I'reacal, step in in I so lb no dlsi at rnuaT tmiff fh'i, Thoao Nlegant Turkish Chairs, apring Rooitora Csmp Chairs, Beautiful Chromo Pictures Elegant Library and Secretary Combined, French Pier Classes, Brackets, to beautify your hnic ih dll-lm ruosr A Hpclistadter gov Ik west career of aad Berea 1 Units, uppeille tha Westers Howe, MiijsvC'a.


The Marysville Appeal from Marysville, California (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.