Sweet Potato muffins! Recipe (2024)


Heres a little recipe I worked out, and Sweet Potatoes are full of vitamin A! These sweet potato or yam muffins have less than 100 calories each and less than a half a gram of fat each! They come out to just under 1 gram of sugar each, but i use no sugar in them so these are naturally occuring. By the way no these are not "mini-muffins"! Feel free to use regular muffins tins like I did... They are a great harmless snack or breakfast addition. To get your vitamin A be sure to pair it with a healthy dietary fat (we need fat to absorb the A) - breakfast with 1 ounce of reduced fat cheese and a piece of fruit is great! So low cal you can mix and match often- and made with whole wheat flour- so you are getting your healthy whole grains and their awesome antioxidants! Enjoy!
*Don't be scared of the prep time- its just for boiling sweet potatoes. I forgot to add the temperature before but I included it now: 425 F. (its in the recipe text now too) Let them cool completely! Even chilled in the fridge helps them to "set".
Heres a little recipe I worked out, and Sweet Potatoes are full of vitamin A! These sweet potato or yam muffins have less than 100 calories each and less than a half a gram of fat each! They come out to just under 1 gram of sugar each, but i use no sugar in them so these are naturally occuring. By the way no these are not "mini-muffins"! Feel free to use regular muffins tins like I did... They are a great harmless snack or breakfast addition. To get your vitamin A be sure to pair it with a healthy dietary fat (we need fat to absorb the A) - breakfast with 1 ounce of reduced fat cheese and a piece of fruit is great! So low cal you can mix and match often- and made with whole wheat flour- so you are getting your healthy whole grains and their awesome antioxidants! Enjoy!
*Don't be scared of the prep time- its just for boiling sweet potatoes. I forgot to add the temperature before but I included it now: 425 F. (its in the recipe text now too) Let them cool completely! Even chilled in the fridge helps them to "set".


    2 egg whites
    5 tsp sweet n' low (or 2/3 cup splenda for baking or 2/3 cup sugar or sweetener you pick)
    1 3/4 cup Yams/sweet potatos
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    2 tsp almond extract
    2/3 cup nonfat milk
    1 1/2 cup white whole wheat flour
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp. baking powder
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 3/4 tsp. cinnamon

    (You will need to grab about 5 or 6 medium sized yams to boil for this recipe. Just make sure you get the full amount mashed.)


12 muffins. ( a rounded/heaping 1/4 cup of batter each muffin cup)
For making from fresh yams you will need to grab abut 5 or 6 medium sized ones.
I used yams/sweet potatoes that were fresh so I peeled them and boiled them until they were cooked completely, that is tender all the way through. They should be cooked to the point where they are easilly mashed into your measuring cup. I suppose you could use canned yams as well but this recipe doesnt allow for the sugar that may be added in those so choose sugar free ones if you buy in the can.
In one bowl add the Yams, egg whites, sweetener, extracts, and milk together. Its okay if your Yams leak a little water into the mixture. But make sure they are drained as good as you can get them.

In another bowl combine flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon.

The Yam bowl: I used a hand blender and got the mixture smooth. You can use a blender of your choice.

The flour bowl: lightly stir together mixtures.

Lightly dust in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon mixture. Stir together completely.
Preheat oven to 425 F

Fill muffin cups sprayed with cooking oil spray (olive oil spray works fine) just a little over 1/4 cup full (you can make slightly rounded 1/4 cup scoops into muffin pan but dont go too far over, you should get 12 servings pretty evenly). Bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees but begin checking around that 20 minutes to see if they are completely cooked. It may take longer by 5 minutes or so. I dont use a toothpick to test mine but I use a small smooth knife or similar items (I actually use a very thin ice pick at times- I get really creative). When it comes out MOSTLY clean they are done. When I check them at 20 minutes and then let them bake 5 minutes more the tester comes out much cleaner and the tops are a little browned. They stay moist this way and always have a tender inside.
You can dust with cinnamon or nutmeg powder (or both) before they go into the oven. It comes out tasty. I tried one with breakfast the next day after my first batch and it actually tasted like sweet potato pie- nice. Make sure to let them cool completely, they have to "set". They dont really taste as good right out of the oven for some reason, the flavor changes shortly though.Try putting them in the fridge. Not one of those hot out of the oven muffins, a different experience~

*Recipe note (added 5/4/10):
By removing part of the sweet potato you will come up with a "cakier" texture. I plan to try removing about a 1/4 cup to start, and testing it out! I make a new similar recipe and by making it with 1/4 cup it would be comparable. But, the original recipe is still good with its chewy yummy texture!

Number of Servings: 12

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user MRSKITTKITT.

Sweet Potato muffins! Recipe (2024)


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