Money plays an important role in many of life's big adventures.
From your first savings account all the way to retirement – these events mark new chapters in our lives.
KSPS and STCU teamed up to share how we can all handle these big adventures with financial savvy.
Money Adventure #1: Responsibility.
In the first Money Adventure, we see Owen go through the ups and downs of saving for a special scooter — it's hard not to spend money as soon as you get it. Soon Owen learns with the right plan you can make your goals a reality.
- Download and print Owen’s savings tracker (PDF)to talk with your kids about ways to save.
- Help Owen design the scooter of his dreams with this coloring page (PDF).
Money Adventure #2: Sharing.
Everyone has something to share that can help make the world a better place. Sometimes we give our money to causes we believe in like the Humane Society. Sometimes we give our time by helping at a school food drive.
We can also share our special talents like Owen does. He saw a need and used his creativity to help his neighbor, Mrs. Naples with her dog Archie. Sharing can happen with time, talent, or treasure.
Activity: Owen built the PupStroller3000, but he needs your help finishing it! Color your own PupStroller3000 (PDF).
Money Adventure #3: Compound interest.
Money doesn’t grow on magical trees, although we do have something close to magic: compound interest. Sure, it sounds boring, but compound interest can grow your money over time like nothing else in this world. Compound interest can make you a millionaire. Seriously.
Our friend Owen wants to be a millionaire for a good cause. His Mom encourages him to understand the magic of compound interest and shares what happens if he starts now or later.
Activity: To help kids really understand compound interest we’ve created a printout for parents to go through with their kids. See how everything adds up over time with this simple illustration.
Money Adventure #4: Counting money.
Counting money can be hard, especially coins. The size and color don’t indicate how much they’re worth. Some have ridges, some don’t. All these are great reasons why we tackle this foundational subject.
In episode four of Money Adventures, Owen helps his little brother Noah count money so he can help in the family business.
Activities: Practice counting money with our money counting worksheets:
- Matching (PDF)
- Shopping (PDF)
- Adding (PDF)
Money Adventure #5: Setting goals.
Everyone wants to be better with money. The best way to start is by thinking of one simple goal to achieve. In episode five, Owen wants to expand his business into new neighborhoods.
Activity:Download our goal setting worksheet(PDF) to make S.M.A.R.T. goals!
Money Adventure #6: Investing.
When most people think of investments –stocks, bonds, or real estate come to mind. Another option? Investing in a thriving business.
In episode six of Money Adventures, Owen needs help getting 5 more PupStrollers built before fall turns to winter. Luckily, money savvy runs in the family in the form of his older sister Ava.
- Check out a worksheet on stocks and shares.
- Try your hand at an investing crossword puzzle.
Money Adventure #7: Helping others.
Doing good in your community looks different for every person. For some it’s donating money, for the others it’s donating their time or talents.
In episode seven of Money Adventures, Ava and Owen help their local pet shelter by sharing their talent for inventing, and their time walking dogs eager to get out and move.
Activity:How can you help dogs at the local animal shelter? Use our worksheet to brainstorm ideas with your family.
Money Adventure #8: Where should you keep your money?
Credit unions are a safe place to store your hard-earned savings. While giving you tips and tricks to help your money grow, they also help the community grow.
In episode eight of Money Adventures, Ava’s parents are impressed with the amount of money she has saved from the pup stroller business and babysitting. While they are delighted to see Ava save, they ask her to consider saving the money is a safe place, preferably a credit union.
Learn more about the credit union difference.
Money Adventure #9: Needs vs. wants.
Needs and wants can feel very similar. Many times, the desire for something you want is stronger than the things you need, making smart decisions even harder.
Needs are things that you must have to live your life – for many, a car is a need because it gets them to school or a job.
In this episode, Ava learns to discern between needs and wants when deciding between upgrading her video game character or saving for a car.
Learn more about saving with the Fill 'er Up program.
Activity: Test your knowledge on what counts as a need and what counts as a want with our needs vs. wants worksheet.
Money Adventure #10: Getting a job.
Ava and her friends need money for all the stuff they want – which means getting a job. But getting a job without experience can be tough. And the rejection from not getting the job you applied for is painful. Fortunately, Mary’s sister has a simple hack to help them stand out on their resume.
These days, your online presence matters more than ever. To learn how to impress your employers check out: Shine online: How to have a positive digital presence.
Activity:How to get a job as a teenager.