Darksiders - Chapter 1 - RheaRipley - Transformers (2024)

Chapter Text

Knockout prowled the battlefield, his advanced sensors scanning for any signs of valuable scrap metal or technology. The Autobots had been defeated, and the Decepticons had emerged victorious. But Knockout's attention was focused on finding something more...unique.

As he explored the wreckage, his optics landed on a mangled form, half-buried in the rubble. Knockout's processor sparked with excitement as he recognized the distinctive shape of Steeljaw, the former Autobot.

"Ah, Steeljaw," Knockout purred, his voice dripping with excitement. "I've found you. And now, I'll make you mine."

With a flick of his wrist, Knockout activated his built-in welding torch and began to work on Steeljaw's damaged form. He carefully repaired and reconfigured the wreckage, his skilled hands reshaping Steeljaw into a new, more menacing form.

As the repairs progressed, Steeljaw's systems began to flicker back to life. His optics glowed red once more, and he let out a growl, his mind foggy and disoriented.

"I...I remember," Steeljaw said, his voice laced with confusion. "I was an Autobot...but something feels different."

Knockout chuckled. "You've been reborn, Steeljaw. Your past is gone. You are now a Decepticon, loyal only to me."

Steeljaw's gaze locked onto Knockout, his processor struggling to comprehend what had happened. But as he looked down at his new, sleek form, he knew that he was no longer the same Autobot he once was. Knockout had remade him, body and mind, into a Decepticon once more.

And with that, Steeljaw let out a snarl, his loyalty now firmly entrenched with the Decepticons, and his fate forever intertwined with Knockout's.

Knockout stood in the training room, his eyes fixed on Steeljaw as he put the former Autobot through his paces. Steeljaw's new form gleamed in the bright lights, his movements swift and deadly as he executed a series of precise strikes.

"Good, Steeljaw, good," Knockout said, his voice dripping with approval. "But don't hold back. Unleash your true power."

Steeljaw's optics flared red as he charged forward, his claws extended. Knockout dodged effortlessly, his own blades flashing in the light.

"Harder, Steeljaw!" Knockout taunted. "Show me what you're truly capable of!"

Steeljaw snarled, his attacks becoming more frenzied and intense. Knockout laughed, his own blades clashing with Steeljaw's in a shower of sparks.

Suddenly, Knockout feigned a stumble, leaving himself open to attack. Steeljaw didn't hesitate, striking with all his might. Knockout smiled, his systems humming as he absorbed the blow.

"Well done, Steeljaw," Knockout said, his voice dripping with praise. "You're a true Decepticon now. Together, we'll show the Autobots no mercy."

Steeljaw's optics glowed bright red, his chest heaving with exertion. He knew he had found a new purpose, a new leader to follow. And with Knockout by his side, he was ready to take on the Autobots and destroy them once and for all.

As the training session ended, Knockout approached Steeljaw, his expression softening. "You know, Steeljaw, I'm proud of you. You've come a long way since I first found you in that wreckage."

Steeljaw's gaze faltered, his optics dimming slightly. "I...I owe you everything, Knockout. You saved me, rebuilt me...gave me a new purpose."

Knockout's expression turned warm, his voice taking on a gentle tone. "You're like a son to me, Steeljaw. I want to see you succeed, to become the strongest Decepticon you can be."

Steeljaw's processor fluttered, his systems humming with emotion. No one had ever shown him such kindness, such acceptance. He felt a deep bond forming with Knockout, a bond that went beyond mere loyalty.

"Thank you, Knockout," Steeljaw said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I won't let you down."

Knockout placed a hand on Steeljaw's shoulder, his grip firm. "I know you won't, Steeljaw. Together, we'll take on the Autobots and bring glory to the Decepticons. And I'll always be here for you, as your mentor, your friend...your family."

Steeljaw's optics glowed bright red, his heart filled with gratitude and loyalty. He knew that he would do anything for Knockout, his father figure, his savior.

The five Decepticons stood at the entrance of the abandoned energon mine, their optics scanning the dark and dusty interior. Knockout, Steeljaw, Sixshot, Skywarp, and Shatter had been sent by Megatron himself to retrieve a cache of energon, crucial to the Decepticon's war effort.

"Alright, let's move out," Knockout said, his voice low and commanding. "Steeljaw, take point. Sixshot, Skywarp, you're with me. Shatter, cover our six."

Steeljaw nodded, his claws extended as he led the way into the mine. The air was thick with the scent of decay and neglect, the walls cracked and crumbling. As they ventured deeper, the silence was broken only by the sound of their footsteps and the creaking of old machinery.

Suddenly, Steeljaw halted, his head co*cked to the side. "I've got something," he whispered, his optics fixed on a nearby console.

Knockout joined him, his eyes scanning the data streaming across the screen. "It's a map," he said, his voice tense with excitement. "It'll lead us straight to the energon."

Sixshot grunted, his massive frame looming over them. "Let's get moving, then. We don't have all day."

Skywarp chuckled, his wings fluttering with anticipation. "And I can't wait to get my hands on that sweet, sweet energon."

Shatter's voice was laced with sarcasm. "Yes, because nothing says 'fun' like a potentially deadly trap-filled mine."

Knockout shot her a look, but Steeljaw just smiled, his processors humming with excitement. He knew that with Knockout by his side, they could overcome any obstacle, and retrieve the energon that would bring them one step closer to victory.

As the Decepticons retreated from the mine, they were suddenly confronted by a team of Autobots, also seeking to claim the energon. Skywarp, eager for battle, charged forward, firing his weapons and sparking a fierce fight.

The two teams clashed, their blasters and swords flashing in the dim light of the mine. The battle raged on, with neither side giving quarter. But as they fought, the energon began to destabilize, its power surging out of control.

The mine started to shake and tremble, the walls cracking and crumbling. The Autobots, realizing the danger, quickly disengaged and retreated from the mine. But the Decepticons, fueled by their desire for energon, refused to surrender.

As the mine's collapse accelerated, the Decepticons found themselves trapped. Sixshot and Shatter stumbled, their injuries from the battle hindering their escape. Skywarp, his wings damaged, struggled to fly. And Knockout, his systems failing, fell to the ground, unable to move.

Steeljaw, his processors racing, rushed to Knockout's side. "Knockout, come on! We have to get out of here!" he shouted, his voice hoarse with urgency.

But Knockout, his vision fading, smiled weakly. "Go, Steeljaw...save yourself..."

With a surge of adrenaline, Steeljaw scooped up Knockout and flung him over his shoulder. He charged forward, his legs pumping as he fought against the collapsing mine. The walls closed in around them, the heat from the explosion intensifying.

Just as all seemed lost, Steeljaw burst through the mine entrance, the blast wave propelling him forward. He stumbled, his vision blurring, but managed to shield Knockout from the worst of the explosion.

As the dust settled, Steeljaw gazed down at Knockout, his mentor's body limp and still. "No...no, no, no..." he whispered, his voice cracking with despair.

The sun set over the ruined landscape, casting a golden glow over the battered Decepticons. Steeljaw stood alone, his gaze fixed on the burning mine, his mind reeling with grief.

Suddenly, a faint hum echoed through the air, growing louder until Shatter appeared, her ship crashing onto the ground. The others stumbled out, their bodies battered and bruised.

Sixshot leaned on Skywarp, his leg twisted at an awkward angle. "Steeljaw..." he croaked, his voice laced with pain.

Steeljaw didn't move, his eyes fixed on the mine. Shatter approached him, her footsteps quiet on the rubble-strewn ground. She stopped beside him, her gaze following his to the burning mine.

"Knockout..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The group stood in silence, their battered bodies a testament to their failed mission. Steeljaw's eyes never left the mine, his mind consumed by the loss of his mentor.

The silence stretched out, a heavy blanket of grief and regret that wrapped around them. Finally, Shatter spoke up, her voice firm but gentle.

"Steeljaw, we need to get out of here. The Autobots will be back."

Steeljaw didn't respond, his gaze fixed on the mine. Shatter placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch warm and comforting.

"Knockout would want us to keep fighting," she said, her voice laced with conviction.

Slowly, Steeljaw's gaze shifted, his eyes locking onto Shatter's. For a moment, they held the gaze, a silent understanding passing between them.

Then, with a quiet nod, Steeljaw turned away from the mine, his heart heavy with loss, but his spirit unbroken. Together, the Decepticons limped away from the ruins, their footsteps echoing through the desolate landscape.


The Decepticons limped back to their base, their battered bodies a testament to their failed mission. Steeljaw led the way, his eyes fixed on the ground, his mind reeling with grief.

As they entered the base, Megatron's imposing figure awaited them, his eyes blazing with fury. "You have failed me," he growled, his voice dripping with disdain. "You were supposed to retrieve the energon, not get defeated by the Autobots."

Sixshot and Skywarp exchanged nervous glances, their injuries evident on their battered bodies. Shatter stood tall, her gaze locked on Megatron. "We were ambushed, Megatron. We did everything we could."

Megatron's gaze shifted to Steeljaw, his eyes narrowing. "And where is Knockout? I expected him to lead this mission, not abandon his team."

Steeljaw's eyes dropped, his voice barely audible. "Knockout...didn't make it, Megatron."

The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the Decepticons. Megatron's face darkened, his anger palpable. "You have brought shame to the Decepticons," he snarled. "You will pay for your failure."

The Decepticons trembled, their heads bowed in shame. Steeljaw's heart heavy with grief, his mind reeling with the loss of Knockout. He knew that Megatron's wrath would be severe, but he couldn't bring himself to care. All he could think about was the fallen body of his mentor, left behind in the ruins of the mine.

Megatron's voice echoed through the base, his anger unabated. "Soundwave, take them away. They will pay for their failure in the punishment room."

Soundwave emerged from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with loyalty. "Yes, Megatron." He gestured to the Decepticons, his hand beckoning them forward.

With a heavy heart, Steeljaw led the way, his teammates following closely behind. They trudged through the base, their footsteps echoing off the walls. The punishment room loomed ahead, its dark entrance a harbinger of the suffering to come.

Inside, the room was dimly lit, the walls lined with energon spikes. Soundwave activated the room's systems, and a hum filled the air. The Decepticons braced themselves, their bodies tensing in anticipation.

The punishment was brutal, the energon spikes draining their strength and leaving them weakened. But eventually, it ended, and Soundwave led them out, their bodies battered and bruised.

Their next stop was Shockwave's lab, the scientist awaiting them with a cold, calculating gaze. "Ah, the failed team," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "I will repair you, but do not think this will excuse your failure."

With a wave of his hand, Shockwave activated his equipment, and the Decepticons felt their bodies begin to repair. Their wounds closed, their strength returning. Steeljaw's mind cleared, his thoughts focusing once more.

As they emerged from the lab, Steeljaw's gaze locked onto Shockwave. "Thank you," he said, his voice grudging.

Shockwave's gaze was unyielding. "Do not thank me, Steeljaw. You are merely tools, to be used and discarded. Do not forget it."

Steeljaw's eyes narrowed, his mind burning with anger. "The Autobots," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "They did this. They killed Knockout."

His teammates exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the fury building within him. "Steeljaw, we don't know that for sure," Shatter ventured, her voice cautious.

But Steeljaw was beyond reason. "I know it," he snarled, his claws extending. "I can feel it. They took him from me, and I will make them pay."

From that moment on, Steeljaw's mission was clear: destroy the Autobots, no matter the cost. His rage and grief fueled his every move, driving him to seek revenge for Knockout's death.

The Autobots, once a distant enemy, became a personal nemesis, their very existence a reminder of his loss. Steeljaw's heart hardened, his soul consumed by a burning need for vengeance.

And so, the Decepticon warrior set out on a quest for retribution, his path fraught with danger, his future uncertain. But one thing was clear: Steeljaw would stop at nothing to make the Autobots pay for taking Knockout from him.


Soundwave and Shockwave stood in their lab, surrounded by the hum of equipment and the faint glow of energon. Before them, Knockout's lifeless body lay on a table, his systems dark and still.

Soundwave's gaze was fixed on the damaged Decepticon, his expression unreadable. "Shockwave, can you repair him?" he asked, his voice low and even.

Shockwave's response was immediate. "I can try, Soundwave. But the damage is extensive. His systems are critically damaged, and his spark is fading."

Soundwave's gaze never wavered. "Try, Shockwave. We cannot lose him."

Shockwave nodded, his hands moving with precision as he began the repair process. The lab fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of equipment and the faint beep of Knockout's failing spark.

As they worked, Soundwave's mind raced with thoughts of Steeljaw, his protégé and friend. He knew that Steeljaw held the Autobots responsible for Knockout's death, and he feared the consequences of that rage.

But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand: saving Knockout's life. The lab was a sanctuary, a place where the Decepticons could find solace and repair. And Soundwave was determined to use that sanctuary to bring Knockout back to life.

Shockwave's hands faltered, his instruments slipping from his fingers. "Soundwave, I'm sorry," he said, his voice laced with defeat. "I cannot repair him. The damage is too extensive."

Soundwave's gaze remained fixed on Knockout's lifeless form, his expression unreadable. "Try again, Shockwave," he commanded, his voice firm but laced with a hint of desperation.

But Shockwave shook his head. "It's no use, Soundwave. Knockout's spark has faded. He is gone."

The lab fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of equipment and the stillness of Knockout's lifeless body. Soundwave's gaze finally shifted, his eyes locking onto Shockwave with a hint of anger and sorrow.

"You failed, Shockwave," he stated, his voice cold and detached.

Shockwave's gaze dropped, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I know, Soundwave. I am sorry."

Soundwave's gaze returned to Knockout's body, his mind reeling with the loss. He had failed his friend, his protégé. He had failed Knockout.

The lab seemed to grow darker, the shadows deepening as Soundwave's sorrow and anger intensified. He knew that Steeljaw would never forgive him, that he would never forgive himself.

Knockout was gone, and nothing could ever bring him back.

____ To be Continued____

Darksiders - Chapter 1 - RheaRipley - Transformers (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.