f1 till stfwl vamm it ii u tthre mr lt kikli lit run vyhliutlte im iv rh t if- i i farm hip hxoht ii ihu bi ii ii cnirl of vui- vmi plea thotku t dfl nil i pacis i am- exvlnmjiurofcup ttwi packeand altvimth ill motion mr ovoimcll fur ill evening of the the ininn was brow 29ihof april rjhl to a close uii in a decisive vote piriins ft- ficr in dwmwi jlr si irinc rice moud an adilnvs l tu kinir bwpi flhich wt apvtd c in mbcra voting firruut on the 30th ilic avlilivss ihc houot lflflnb v hen i be cwcuncd ii bpitchrs linn the subject of the to bv n majority of iv in favor an j oulv js was communicated lo rtll urcy iimwd that it the inuiiou riftnr tin impiisane lord grey awl innl israiihniii wn laiuniously ngrecd tn and the kin- appointed the first day of hnv farriwiviiu it- the british ship cttmojiufi 71 wn under or ders at devonport to take 1201x1 himl of amis to comnnn captain ross in likely to receive the extra reman oration for his services which lie demanded but ltd precedent could ho fount for a siunuir appropriation to ins brother commander ros the ship ehxa nfs50 tons ciptniii crouch left london on the 2gtk for xvytrii wiih two iiutt- dnd and fiftv pawcintr conrfrfiin chhflv of fer ine wiih tlicir families from tjitflolfc and xorfork well 3itpvlid wiih money for purchu4tig ami tilling innrl in america the straihfieldwy chartered liy the emigration committer was ro sail from gravesund on the 1st with tin httftdittt and ninttg iotws wtwtm of good character tor ilobaitetown ncwtfoiith wale lord londonderry stated in the house he should put some question co earl urey respecting ilie slate 6f portugal swat from the 10th to the 17th april inclu sive thei were exported from london to llamhnr 7 nz crold silver dn 3170 10 newyork 20 the sum of 100000 in wlver had been whipped hy our capitalist to calais in vllfl week and great nuantrie to other 08118 of the coutiimut mr arthur 0conner formerly a member of the irih parliament and for a long eerie of years an exile in pruoce wasespecied soon toretnnito0ul- lb he was a coadjutor with knimei macneveu and sampnon and was exiled fur the htlllc cause iliat drove them to america great disturbances had prevailed at birr in tin- ki nos country between two parties of roman cath olics and kepi that town in confusuju for some lime past- it in the continuance of an ancient feud un connected with politics battariefl and huntings were also rrequcnt in die couuiry of tippcrary richard lander who had solved lie great prol- leraofthe embonchnere ofthe niger and who was the conductor ofthe late steamhoai commercial ex- intfmiu irmrior of afin ms liiiu nun deredat a place 200 or 300 miles up the river- it is said that the samiotd have sent in their of fers of submission to the porte and thai the latter his anevempfion from all taxes for the space of 25 yean to the inhabitants of ipeomi the workmen who had struck for higher waeesar oldham had all returned to their tabor except in one factory london jtfay 3- the following we have reason to believe will turn out to be the principal stipula tions of the treatv between great britain france spain and portugal which has given rise to so much speculation during the last ten days 1st don pedro binds himself to expel don car los from portugal and to publish nn amnesty in fa vor of such ofthe adherents of uoiv miguel as may within a limited time desert the cause of thai aove- rehrn 2d the queen regent of spain hinds herself t send an army into portugal to assist in placing don na maria upon the throne 3d ii imi mimic lijrsly hinds himself in lend the aid of such a fleet as may be denied ncccssiiry to cooperate with the land forces of his allies in set ling theaflairs of spain and pmiutfal 4th the kinir of the french hinds liimsidl to con tribute to theobjtxis ofthe league mielt aid ofrwry kind as the other three contrachn partiis tua joinily demand this treaty war sinned it lonilon uii the 2jd i april london marnhtg past mr roebuck made a formal almek on tuesday on the conduct of juft statllovi hi um ovenunrut ofthe canadas he ouoied the dpahhi- of lltal irritable statesman to lord aviiiht umi the nntr resolutions which they elicited fhnn the llmse iif assembly the state of uflain- is beyond question alarming 1 iiuwn liat enuitty iuy 1 pk vi hiijchi irpl stanley is not the man to conciliate the disallecied the conduct of the british authorities and of the legislative council the members of which arc no minated by the crown was shown hy mr- rorhiuk to be arbitrary and unjustifiable ill many instance jur stanley evinced soreness and ncide a rather feeble defence to mr roebuck representation ofthe dipntlection ofthe people of the lower heop- fosed the loyalty ofthe inhabitants of the upper rovioce he attempted to justify the harsh tone he had used in his despatches and his nicnauces ol coercion by representing the french iuh ihitauts ol canada as hostile to hritish intrresi a factions and llttthla if this he tine ihiii are indeed in a had way we see no propped of their inendiug under the adiuinistrariori of llm pivmiit colmual secretary vhoe tone llnrihiy riinhtls us id the ian- guage held by itritish mmiii r- iiwiuiis lu the a com- emuire into die d wjonvs ufihe colonists london sptctfftvt lodok may the consul murkct ivmfihix heady at9211 for lite ancoimi 2i dutch viw percent stock u at iki to 4 itto and dhulfpe cent 51 to j spain and poutooai- linidridpapewto iheiijil of april including an i2xl inordinary supptetnent ni thegazettcof that tlate had been rtttivttl in loh- don the intelligence in the latter is hiilily impor- lltnt don carlos has hren very ecttvrlv pursued by the panmi troopn in purtutak on hicir arri- val on the 13th before almeida ihe pretender wliu had taken refiltte iii iiat fonress in ami on ihe ltih the place declared for donna matin the follow ing are the coiltcllh ofthe suppleui ni j prspajchcfi received at the war- ncij-hborhu- kinidoin o portugal ev ittfinins yoiu exwllency at he same time mat rs- lettla iiltrrnrtoiitte heard report of catiuwi from almrula tthich we huppotfed to have been ihesiihite in celebration of lllta happy event b ihe proofi above mentioned are ilw do- spatches lurunrdt d to the lovenmr nl cittdd uod- itut rfttpccliits the alorud eviut by the i-ntlior- ities of attueida iuente h ouoro anil hlra del obispo in fuel the hoval flag of tin- uetti dtiiittn ma ria da ttlnra has been flyina over the ualu uf ailhh- da since5ocloi k yterda inuniini in accounts which i have just received pi ovloekj limn the bounckiiy tntnmiiitted by a pcmmi in my confidence tile cxauiiuer of purports at liarba de has iufornietl me that jiitwdiclion and other r dreo and old men poituirucse refugees who have cfinit to berk an aslnm loaded ullll uliatewr pro- httv and ellccu the have been able to carry wiih litem the following despatch from general rodhi re lates to the llialit ofthe pretender nf w hum the puerto la ltaiia a village wilhunny places are full ul w omen chl l in lowt canada if ihqka nf the mh breaking out ofthe american kcvolnilnih mine was appointed however to cause of complaint and the allei troops ol li pursuit e queen donna maria da ilona ui e in loi bxcchcnt scnhor the iccouuts 1 haw lhi day received respecting the direction ofthe ire- ten 1 the era iliglh cuiiliriu the statement contained in paiclie i yuatetday coiuultliiiotcd to your excellency without adding any additional particu- ais the vanguard will stop tonight in cattle bran- co whither it proceeded for the purpose of flanking the -fugitive- of taking some waggons loaded with their elects and of showing to the portuguese anil the people of kstrcmadura as far as the lagus that we are constantly prepared to proceed to eery quaiur to which the service of her alajesty the uoern our lady calls us the troops will deploy at lseitnonte in accordance with the instructions i have sent to the general commanding there aud iuiierul the liaron tie carondelet with a column ol infantry and cavalry with which he arrived at cup ula will march to this city with the artillery batter ies ofthe campaign artillery brigade i have nothing elbe of consequence to commu nicate to your excellency the expeditionary col umns stiller no loss bv desertion nut a single man he- inir missing up to this date the enthusiasm and divided opinion displayed in this foreign country is in ikcii highly commendable and completely belie the gratuitous sssertious ofthe pretender follow ers that they were inclined to favor his cause the portuguese admire the excellent discipline main tained hy uurirmy since for the live dajs wc have been n tins country it has not been found necessa ry to inllict a single punishment a circumstance which has gratified mc exceedingly l preserve your excellency manv years jose baimon rulmll general head- quarters ofthe uuard isih of april 1631 kn lufuriuaiiou direct from lisbon had reached lon don to ihe d and from oporto to the 25th both inclusive some hopes were entertained b lisbon ibit the negotiation attempted by lord howard de rt it a ami iltv tlnm e 31itllrr u unu uriantr ineitt between thutwo brothers is notgixeu up napier was blockading kiiueira and the uukj ol tereeiras hedrpiarters up to april 13h wnv n iuurciai and he continued his pursuit ofueueral car- dozo whowaw rcireating in a must disorderly mm- ner towards moucorvq no doubt inteuduifftu take icluge in the fortress of almeida the iuigueliten had again attacked st lbcs but were repulsed wiih consitlcrahle lus it is evident from the tenor ofthe several letters and connmiuieu- tion wchave received that thecaue oflmliuicjuel is a wretched aud almost abandoned stale md thai of don pedru was propct0ua both in theitortb and south of lrtugal tilc duke of terccira had sucteeded in driving general cardoso from amaraiite and taking km- sesioii of regoa cardozo was iriratiug io al- inrida not kuowinz of the dcclariitou of iliu author ities there in favor of the cuusiuutiuiial cause the newfl had reached luhoit that the general kodilat ihe head oi lulmh afpuutsh iroip had ca tered porlugiil to assist donna maria and thai ad miral napier has relumed to libua preparing lor another expedition urigadier itosas whocamu over lately from sm- larem to don pedro being suspected ol lmiiiitlou so for the purpose of revoloiiouijjig lisbon in tin usurpers favor lias been arrested admiral viacount cape est vincent napier inw been created a count under the ume ttth j lie whole portuguese nation coiiirratulates itself on tins proof of how infill his lmnrhtttaiyei4ylhc duke uegettt appreuiairs the signal services of the illu irious warrior who hug w much uoiitribnled to fin regulation of the thioiie of ihe uueen and ulcliltt- i of the nation the pope has excommunicated don ivdro hin niioitors and in hrl dl iih flicltd nf til ltnillv cause it ismated iioiu lisbon tlil 11 ilneconi- inumcation be not witbttrawu ihe government iiuh notitied the court o rome tlmt iluy will conaidei itthcit duty not oulv toatop the annual revenue of about cio which portugal pavsmlt to take intobc- rious cqusideruttou the projwiety of ccainjal con nexion with il fkancr preparation were making in various part ol the kingdom to celebrate the king birth day on the 1m of may the chamber of deputies say a eonespoudent ofthe london courier it dipuinir as fai us po- ihtc of the mailers before it preparatory to the clute ofthe session which ministers wih to lix for tins lolh of m iv theeleutious will if the sesion u over before or by the middle of ihat inouih be completed by the end of june ami the new cham ber will nrobubiv have to meet in september or oc tober the new chamber will probablv le as miongly aiiuiieiial unlllk prcenl one bin in rou- stunice of a recently formed alliance heswecu ihe hepuldicuii and iniisi electors it in probable that soiut 0 coltm uiriukeia will he returned tltt mreoglh oi tin- t buwever will no m- tlwftfy lualciitftu ioerai d as tlie left is likely in im iiioch ni proportion to what the ight oir tlierpol on die tailvis to be brought into ihe chamber of deputies in ihe ear i pari of next week i tun iarcd tbat aevem iuodilicutios- hy which uscd in the project of law would commended by tin cmnuiiltiq office 111 the nts are li io- i dug thmisidvts with rajdrlity the spanish itotttw lavim orrsrnbtl lliruilveon the ilth bitfore al- rhetice the pretender fled inonlerto avoid blockoded ihrrrin ihe rorircwfl declared a alaria dii liloria early on ihr morning o i rait nathc following depatrlir fruiii the gov- loib win ig p mcida ihe being for donn the crnor ciudad k drigo thltiil ill of show aiost excrlku penhor i hnve he honor to inform your excellency that advice which i imvi rcccived frohl diflirrenc niiiik ofthe porllwucir bor- drrconimuimcaleto lue the fact thit ihe town of al meida dcland for the queen donna maria da j- ria at 5 oclock yesterday uiormii ibn the lag ol loilimiicy how lloats on the widu of that oiv and that lli- ljw mo abandoned his pout at thai hour ttlimg with the few irooputhftt udhvrd to him u are tin proofs iff ih- taking of il io of almeida by ihv riiriugucwj t riada ilorij hieh i have tin hi loyour esxttlfriicy to inea yoi oil nor ot ihiu city ikiua mil- ihlr hiiiij ropir in- ni lie rrfiwiiitiw i fj ri oded a r on tu prolnhiions art to leinaiu unioitched mud he lbjmhs huvvllad thfl opportunity ufcousidluij bltu4of heir constitnt nis respecting hcto rs apiioiuii by ihe n incomplete r will uhucr- the mifeltm ttf iheii the labors ol the eotnuuttvl iwoliuveruuiemmogtj il icieiorc nrni uulil ihe mst uessiun tvhen the soli i of ijouis pi imcatts have ijvoii ru solicit of iln lilt ulhf siibliiiivtt juii ii tliciiiitti mid ihe ji in view will liuvu ihconu more tidily atbiiiiuiitij limn iiiiihtio dr j m cul who flnaof lie niiliouhl afwmuty cil i79i died hi licgc iicili m tic cliieiiliiiiii li auiiiiiiiircd liin inliitllnii in oflbr liiinilcas nrniidhliiicin iih elector oi lill hi rcsimirfl liit scat in il mrnjc i the ucwknuu liie lpn 1 i lv llli li ill jurfiiincilt iuileiiniiiy i iiij lulu itwurtcciiuii srniu oiluvisofihirgjii fcgiiucni oi the linci and ollits ul tlio ith and lh cuitassicrs liivf bcuii at- niri un susniciuii orhtii cuinicltd wiih iik re publication iitmocimeonit a vfi y iitivsiiiiif dulkiic ims been coiiluufrcvd in iik- ufeuinucf or deputies the qucmimi re- tuiuing or rliiiruiliiig ihv poascsaion vlghins and wam going nt our latest advices the city ollaris lias occii roiidciiincd lo pay lln d images and lo in r i i iits wlirrt unxiiiiilis and nword rnilrrp hud siilaincd any during lie lale rfvolilirili iiiuvirniciii- hi- lu yinu iiji ml framv and wcfv nnius resorted t lint yirilistluil lmiis iliiliin on hi- iluime km an m do n u legiiiinntiu la iwcu amurtod and also mitluii an adxocair in wluwc possession r piiinpftrs wcr- round a debaiu had oc- uhiiinber rcsnocriug the irliniuisli- n i ai jicr sevird iii speeches no do one m a mini curfihl iih1i o cihjoii ikom viknva acrnlin lo accounts from vi- enuu n ajnil jllih tliorewsrespccliiistlifl lato riots in lyinix ami ihe uistirlwnces in paris had lioeii dii med iilmlieient imriance by the mcenben of ihe uitintni congress ro huloce litem io proiracl hi ir silting indeliiiiieln tu considctatioij ofthe measures lmiosed for securing ine iranquility of the confdcratc slates as been resumed incouse- nnuncu of the occurrences in pruiice the lienuaii wi iters ol liic vienna pefc of thf prubabiliiy of court munch belliiilrocii lite actual austrian iusidiii of the iemic diet being appointed austrian minister of c they seem to attach b vast deal of imnortaiic to he expected appoint ment and talk of the powerful sensation among iiil- diploiiiaiisis which the rumors respecting it bad already produced a v com ado migcfttancon thk smrwiikck of e jamks we yesterday gave ihe niclaicholy atj o dwa wcl1 befel ihat illfated ship quebec uazcttc re ceived this morning cotat e further particu lars winch leaves btthj lo to do lna loss unite slup wiih eleven fhertrem and two hundred and fortjtstvch emigrate we have had a conwwation with mr dowucs ihe isiiraeou f the jans one of ihose saved from the vcnjci and who si lu statement subjoined there is nu doubt oiih nld llmt he vem down with all un bort margaret which he was fortunate enough gas aer receiving very seriom bodily inwt wd enibarkmg in the boat came to ihe spo- he jamcs ou t0 have been in an hour fl two after he bad leli her and she had then dapf ro l e condition in which she was left r ciu1 e lll on his mind dial she musi mve foundered with all on hoard or ai least by ft the greater number borne chance of a potioi be lh ma exist but as the munr lad a h ut w ver x probably would have 0 enabled to have boarded iter- 2so list ol die pa lad n saved the captains having been on board 1 heir names can now onlv be exacr to ihe custom house of lmerck feeder of the famihes had bev ell to do in he and and they bad will then w fi f xtt titan katlikcalc and gold iwing most v rom nauikeaie ao its ieighborliood about rov ll ick nhetl the james left v pw deaina x f were daily occurring uul ugli several susp- cioils cases appeared nv 1id p ldtal oa ul passage to qarbce cbmit sir allow me th of hjiwdliwon your urate detail ol utecircuiu iaa of ill iiuies wbicll was rather imperfuctly inen m yesterdays mercury we sailed from llinciek on the sui april with passengers and a ensw of 16 un friday the itmi we put out to sea where alter a few days cricuccd uoihiii but a space with a more ild wtj ar- i irmn heavy gales c exp series uf mishaps havinfi earned away our topmast atuddlugsail boom jibboom mainsail foresail and yard on sunday he 20th atg a m they set about pumpiuu the slop aui but were not thus io engaged before the pumps were found to be choak- edby the passengers potatoes which trom ilic rot ten description of bags which they were kepi went adrift about the hold filling the pump wells ml prevenliiir be poeww ol working the pumps winch were hoisted on d l a s wiancity ol potatoes brought awav i- and io pveni recurrence of this keliles ith holes made m hen were laid on he heels which proved uwfiec- toal alter which basket subsntuted with as liltlc success pindiug water lomcrease io an inarming extent lii1 a bh from ihe n w spn g i i vnx a heavy se the ship stroinin very noh we had recourse uwespcdient of baling her out from the forchah h uuckets and a pro- visimi eisk made fast a ttckla hot the water casks winch ere floating about there excited the apprehensions of the pwl3 j j pmfihjer ileurv motsaii pelting lls ss broken l aiieinptwasaband oned ahtmi fur oclock v ipp hwli huiik by a scond siji he torce ol mir iliiatiiiirt antlrvw young jiiiuov suit k uy a ercuiiu t vrhirfi 4 uaurtl cumin mhjj nthilhc briciimirrlaii nu chance ufwviiig uuvd ibo lone btml nd wwadi un a tail kiihmu hi i nunrimira liaclc appeancjicc flii riih3wii uuuded inin ibe skill viiihemiv wan witlkiu ibe lousy liuttt and by ibis means made it dif- livult iu lower llhb luttcf hich when drawn from llu sificfcbock came uguiusi the sianclicuns llftur ubich ibey did not hccw inclined lo take for- tbcriioublu willi ikt a halfjmrt mx w lowrd the jiillvlmat in which ulc wit of w wc ptcktid up hy the maiyurfl id ntcaslle cnpt wake to whimc kuidnc and liuinanity since ff are indebted for out remraliuii tin i taijiis bhtvud ore capf laidlcr robert s- laidler bubrutber uciti downey surgeon i tliuiuis linwribl carpciitrr james couk ea- man peter liliy wall and jinne clarke appren liccs will sluhau hi vour obrdiem ervau ulimtv ikiwnes biirffimu of uil- jttinn still moiti wstkfsixc intklligentx confirmation rftkt iwrt fit janus with uptrard oftlw pfxvniox barque stfrat with 2w mmm lww oftos edtttrd lon ufbrig ivv lwm f nhi uutambm all hound to llucfttm ltm ttf ffiryo caarhlh umgthf front iacctimni for l dua oj xtmp wtr fhhhivs of qrrehtmttnt ltsxij hftrtttt john at ttfasi from iioljiuf ttihmoitdlju nf brig mararufrtita lttjtt and four itvts iivir niiiiiii our nsvluwliorti bae wc hail to rccurd mkii u list ofdiiwcvn amoi bliippin and hiss oi lives aa bar fiill to our lot lhidiy will in itch frwti tbe fiiowinsfaccjiitii coniou troi the iliiluix tinette urtle2ni iimt thai be los of ilinjnttwk is tionlirnicdi logeincr with numerous mtlur vvuia kr-mtth- liuiii f tma ftl inr paper ui hda couwim ntuuudndy ae- eoimivot mhipwrctikii mid ilw losa of litanmi life wr fr a perstm yesterday v w1is at hoinslmr wliitl lb- atrea was 16 the survivor bad reurhrd that hhiro jlrty llllbniicd him that ibai vecsvl siniek on tbe mom big nf the lli instant wr in ediin hiijh elills nt kittle lorain llcad ttboml live miles bom louibin and abuosl iiimnntane- mslv went to pictcs iliutrins bad kimhling siils vt at the liuhs and ujt hi i fatal moment of 9rf- kini iin liivn ifniiir at be riie often knot- the only individuals kiwi blirawwi carprntcr ami one seaman who ivko thrown abnusl nicnible on some oflhv ehlls svumiv may ii hurqucahtloa william kid- lev likitftcr willi ttiuthtfodrai and tcnt a jttinst ncrs i loran oiur lmiisbur bv and cfcwi will ashore i mm lihijf of till inr mtl only the ttnrvoli and two uf tbe erew saved saim day brig tidwud shuck a ineerorici near purl aovn ainlimnk immediate jy crew saved on tin l imdilyi ohirici irom dnbhn lor urnbe weill awhore ul tifuttar and wiislost mttknaff i rrtw 150 in ntnuber au t jnni utij ui i lo mm i iww ncwcamle for quebec was lost three miles east of lotiishurff crew paved on the 27th nit hit 4520 ion js53 tbe martmrct wdsh from fewcastlr piekfd up the eaptniu uf barque james from ireland lor quebec with ten others only survivors ol two hundred and sixtylive persons on board the james when she sprune a leak and sunk the ciew of barque charlotte langin of mew hnmsvvick from liverpool for philadelphia ntta been landed here tova an american fishing vessel the ship hid sprung a leak and they bad abandon- ed her they were three days in iheir boaw ship marchioness of queensbury from liver pool for mtrainichi went ashore oil cape tonnen- tine 5 night ol 16ib inst but will be got oil if the weather continues moderate three vessels bound to quebec with passengers one of them the jaue of workington are report ed ashore on st pant barque john atkins from halifax far richmond went ashore three miles from lliat place and was to tally lost on the night of tbe 15th imt brig margaret from belfast for si john n b went ashore at barring- ton and was totally lost crew saved the mates wife aud four children were drowned com adv very afflicting nkws by the boston atlas of yesterday we hear ihe melancholy intelligence of the almost total annihilation of the companies of the u states troops stationed at fort mitchell in ala bama by the cholera all but fifteen were dead and of those seven wore sick the disease attack ed all indiscriminately temperate and intemperate officers and men lieutenants bryant allen gra ham and cloud were among its victims the infor mation is stated to be official and received by the commanding officer u fortress monroe and yet it is remarkable that it should have been first made public ai boston ft y co adv the steamboat oswego we are happy to state that this vessel which was stranded in the gale ofthe 12th inst has been got off with very little in jury the owners we are informed are indebted to the skill and judgment of our young fellow citi zen mr- john imcnair for the effectual aud safe delivery of the boat from her unfortunate situation she was brought back to harbor without other assis tance than of her own engines and is found not io leak a drop she must be a boat of extraordinary strength for though the encountered on the beach ft worse gale than that in which she was stranded yet not even her paint i started at the joints of her umbers were not a shipwreck always too serious a matter to be treated lightly and were it not that the hand of a merciful providence is plainly visible in having protected this vessel and her company during some forty or fifty miles that she was encountering the perils ofn ion shore we should be disposed to make merry with some of the extravagant accounts of the oswego wreck some of these accounts too we arc sorry to find arc prejudicial to the reputaiion of ihe babe ontario navigation than which we feel no diltirulty in affirming there is not a safer navi- otilion of its elm upon tin wirfnrr of the jinn the wreck ofthe okwcgo furnished strong proof oj il for the passed over one of the most dangerous places fords shoals there is upon the coast and vet landed her passengers upon tbe beach without wetting their feet tbe boat we learn will in a few days proceed to niagara to be put on the railway and be subjected to a thorough inspection and repair if any is found necessary and in the course often or twelve days will resume her place in the line under the com mand of capt sherman from lake champlam a gentleman whom we are informed will command the confidence of the public oswtgo palladium stanley remarked was thai the officers whorever appointed had succeeded in putting an end to a ureat train of abuses that ill liverpool particular ly the comfort ofthe inhabitants had been a good deal promoted and the condition of emigrant- pre viously to their leaving britain greatly ameliorated the comlort of tbe emierant as far as it relate to his being protected against fraud or being deceived by erroneous iuformarion has thus been attended to by the joveniment there nnlyremuins now to be elfcctcd a strict and severe examination of the vessel employed in emigration and a careful super vision of them ere they leave the shores of britain on monday the election for directors to the montreal hank took place when tbe following gen tlemen were chosen for tb entitling yiiw chaw brooks thomas cringan hon louis gugy win lunn hon peter mgill joseph masson linn john aolsoii john kedpath juepb fluiter john torrmee will ini walker ilou geo crim cvum c hording mrskrgcanl tairowsaw lhai it ww titmiiirtandio ilmy lofiatcthc rirtutulintr9 of ihi ct vihfch w cmt m act an ofciiinnl conversation the plaintiff was o oftmoft oh lef of ihe or tfl yeatft in the year 1830 he married ws prcscni wio who was ihedauphieror farmer the plaintiff od hi wife lived t tjiivy sxij ht hod cnp u sec her fither jorthefoee the lime orihe in iircmututnei1 o the d iftttfam who was thi laoj agent to lady nm nnil several otthnr peruana ofrarw wan a person more nvnn- eet in life he 1ial erected a chitpet at hinowacxpenae where he wa1n the habit of preaching anil praying with prctcndeil plely nd it eem he hal uiel this mnueaee q enthral and enaare th family to poch nde- imr thai he mmlc the lather anlmimher nrthi imhappy pirllhe aceeia- rlcfl her crime andthc phiimiir had tehmlte received hack from hla wife thn nn- which hr had phi on bee anger when lc married iwrhroken ii- a ikm thai bf woukl return lo btm w awm the defrndaat wtla ww betwe 60 and 0 yenr or ape w n ntrrirl man who had three prtiwniipchimtrn it would be pmvd thairn sumlayihe mflkof junc ilxhrenani look this hyrcreaiurc to hva rliapel where he perormcx the niominp afternoon and evemn wrviera anj at ihe md ofthe lattr lc ul ukihii iwruenrfhvjnrjrsjiimn i i and he then aald that knwswgaina to ml a loving wire that per on thrn ririp ibe wire of panther the tlrfrrotani read ihe marriace errernnny t then adminimere tin rrnmcni nrihe lords mrr in the will nfibe n4alatlt her falher dd bef la ami ifave ihailir bdncflltvlnaj in ren ndutiery with larf vhr pliiihirf meinii41y tnlr wan imii nfclhc had lo hi hnpea ami all hi pmnaii nmt hi tntihuh wetr hliehuil fiif evee jfeiii rirm n 1 tuv hmtlhr of i riaiutill my brother nm uattw livlnifirlather itsther after tin they went to live at ilin ly they ha i lived then intwea two an i thne van when i hesinl irnw trotht wife leaimz him he wan nftpml msenstblr and nni em in hi miwl be eoum neabcr eat dnnl nr work and be t nmrt tu hoir and made ptdl lamemation nllnhl lie jrnve up hio hooxawt bth4brot when my beother wifi- left my brother flri hc went io her fltnvr nrar wlifwc house the defeoiloul liven tbedrfrndamia a roar rivd man or uiwee suiy ami wvmty lie ha pot away hin wifr whf liewiut hi itoogfiter tvvo mikrrom him pie ia nmofl amiahlr au rejirtahtr perpon am her soiimliiw i a p iri man or conideraiiori a rnl mrtune hnrv avrrit nidt w in july lot lisinp a birckeeper in ihr de jrndw he had d etarlibeu ml hu mkl he xtsrd to prfarhmii or bnhnfayf the lnihir wifc and i wrrctherr oathe 11th ofjuly whclj wat nna stinjay iienlani pnaehed in the morning and ihe plain tilta svftfedtmd ntthctujeid ruhimt she went mtitin in ehapcl to the nf terooitn andevemnt the detenitajh preaelnl tlmeo timrt llwt day thr defendant nfter ibeihiolwrxier catted bftfll twelve persons ihe plain liip- wie aad her hilhr and hrether hin5 prrent- they were in tht halmtol iiti ut i hi einpt when all aw cone bat ihre twelve per- sim tltc delendani made a prayer in the oron rm which jons ibe nuu pit tlevrisyelrxumpnre mi wiitl tothoepreseni ir any one had an ojiethn1o hiniakitkiki ktttdntniden m ihr rd he might deport noonrwnl awaynmi the imbrjiftpi tlwn almnntered the ordinnneo wiih bread and wmr the plai itllpf wiri hr fithrr nnd brother par maknfil ivdm ihr iff mhm lomelc i did m hlrwie the dctcn dan l lhh prftttoced a lllta he put n nn lhr linger or ibe plainilfl s wile uu i thfi mut ertif iivma it woj praise gol rrom whom nl wfine ftw he niw tiat prayetl again tbr detendoot and tho plaint ilpst will then wcnitothe avapttrliblj iwwc h being haf fpal nine jntheevminc- i warsaoil the avflrjndftafn bed and the plamttlt wifr wenlintohi rooflt wilb nm and mir hm litvri iktdf with him amee tb ilainiili c jia formerly uvrtt as n prrvftbl willi lie drfeov dani but ai ttsailnnehiti fc wn livint with bun tfctft walbr rae lite fceth werr notdritied and the jury returned a iprdt1 fir iik plnunir nirtvieju0 provincial rrnio ihe nltkftinv finite the iiithiiiiliolv ciiaiout ov disasters at bca which liiis dty lay before our readers uccoinpa- uivii is iluy imvc ifiticmlty li with ii most tear lul lo iflniiiiati liii tinisi iml iri rt the ntlcii- tion of tin- uriiisli ftiveriiiiicnl to the mxessity of illreglitifj i nfiicr ithtiiiry iaru tliu clinractcr ami ctnulttioii il wishoiirtfi allies luiving the uuthui ciitmlry prnm lrelanl in miriiciitar the vcsajeju miiiliii tl hi ihr ruilvlui riiiirnits trc nii- irnhlj hitrrl m liar ihiii mirmst uriitliiiij mure to spread ilg iitl morhilny iiiimitz the phsenirerh than liuir cuiilurl antl nrctitilttt ilhllt tlicir cntt- ritir lur iiwmiiimihs i also in itiaiiy iulaii rrs very iluwuimi anil tin tirticknittl which imvr late ly qiinirrml would mtiii ti huiry nil nliiiosl truuhiftl iiulilltrrtiri as m ilier kijrlv of thu ulltkjrclfei tlmt nn rnwimiini luntnl in iihm ritwciigvrehtpa tl tiivttiiiikiit itavt utterly aitinlotl utui- iiraiii aijitita iit wvital uf iht- principal miajiortfl in tritain hnil otlitv iiluccii are cxpcctoil come iiitu ihi rirtfnluliuii ai livvrimtili uristtil dtihliii kuilut crk linitfich antl ufcenocki huirpny litmiriiiiutr uflliv iav litvfhnii iioinmauil with kihirit mi about xjuu each 1hu ihny of litis i- ficer a l by mr 5tcrowfy biwnleyt when he lutely movctl an estimate tbr lhi hteriloriom til- jeci wits 0 rcnvi nppliciiion from persons cither ahntii tn ttiltigrulr or lo wntl nut tmiranth to givi them liigrahiilotis advice and evrry infornaiiuii in his powrr to odvrtikilly nroveiu the commission of fraud nnd to btrc that the provlviom of the law in this hank messrs kouth and wulkr wore reelected in the room of thr late hon iloratia gales and in the absenre in kurnpeoft ii an derson esquire and at a full meeting of tin- new board yester day the honorable peter vtgill was unanimously elected president undjtweph mmsow epiire vice presidenl man herald jam a huitricanft and loss ok a stlfoonhk fil motif of a schooner hawm jnmtlered on saturday week last near port hopi and all hands perish ed reached u a few days since but in the ab sence of any particulars and m notice being taken of ihe accident by either ofour ennremporarie we hoped it would prove without foundation later intelligence howeveri we rfc sorry to ay destroys this hope and the folluwioir facuure btii too sure ly confirmed on the dav in question two men in the employ of j t williams e of port hope who were at work in a field commanding a view of ihe lake shore observed a topsail schoon er seemingly heavily laden coming down under easy sail aud a light breeze she lay near in shore and the men watched her for some tmw admiring her appearance suddenly they saw her forced through ihe water the water with extraordinary ve locity for a short distance and then give two of three most violent pitches the imt ol which fairlv cw- sized her and she almost instantly alterwiod we dowi keel uppermost the men listened iinme- diaiely to the town for assistance when it appear ed that cupl kingsmill an j his servmit who had a short time before been looking at the same ves sel through a telescope had auo noticed het sud den disappearance but thought he had done olf on another tack merely no vestige of either boat or men wc believe has since been discovered and consequently her name remains unknown but it is thought from her sinking so readily shs was probably loaded with wlnatand being no near in shore she would perhaps he from whitby or some place tin side toronto- about the time of a hurricane is ssaid to have passed over that pm ol darlington towards the lake in tllft direction of the unfortunate vessel and sweeping every thing before it cobuurg star jwelancuoly death or thicks children lnst week francis taylor of emily whilst engaged planting potatoes in a field some distance from his houftchad 3 children consumed by fire it appears that mr and mrs taylor left 4 chil dren in the house tllc oldest some time afterwards went out to tbe field telling ins father and mother that he had put the others to sleep and locked the door on hearing ibis the unsuspecting parents con tinued their work with cheerfulness not thinking the lamentable fate that awaited their children and for whose sustenance thry were then actively enga ged but u the midst of life we are in death lor in a short lime after the child came to the field wiih the key of the door ihe house was discovered lo he on ore mr and mis taylor rushed forward to ihe scene of distress with a hope of saving their chil- dren but such was tin rapidity uf the llanies ihat almost in an instant all was consumed and nothing but afar of the children hones were founds tin should be a warning to parents iioi to leave their children in a house without soiir person ofa mature age with them p warder a crime w committed immediately in the vicinity of this city on sunday trvenimr which for atrocity can scarcely be paralleled the victim wm t voting and confiding female scarcely lifieeii years of age md ihe brute who violated her person were as is- represented friends of the family the whole transaction i of so disustint a character that hc abstain from recording iiets so humiliating lo human nature one of the parties we are happy to say i now in custody- rtjr j irmftl british whig to cokilvspondent a jhnwiiaitrkttrriaoib wr trollhr whlff will frcl that the r mainly rtlir tovtotm etacwm will ihi mlfcfrttf pflfl mr dnirniiiooitwitliriitlma1jtkonl piinenranonitunulrtjr liotrrr were the mahrt rrcrfwintny thi riiwr mr rininimond or mr strange cwu tic rrtomiht lot utcwituy ofphweuaci wc tioum uarumrou loprr vemihem but npnaebcr wouu be waste or timtuuljaofi a workman i ifliidmrtihimc mirrwrivftl wtcmet pnhuhco tor wan i or the real eigrja- lure it inyinufar ihatotirconiributor will persevere aler f notice to ihe contrary inwrmjin tlietr commulikationx unauthcmjcatesl in the prcm and will be bpeem pobfihi a huiiihrwtt roem in m ante cmilleri chiratry of crttmriu or the tydmim tapb toby tkkleton also in the prcw and wiji be mmrily puuiahed fly mibdrcription ex tracts rrom nrhiii a hibramk tftcm by john wnihfby tme utfbostbm rwlirff ami pmrt imftor ofuc u c tier- aid vithaannt6onby convnea lpcm a m the cntnmitiee or ihr lcehaiic inihmiflii have the pleasure rio rormiiyeihe member that ihe ubrary nnd reailincr room prlfl he open roo monday next adoiiuaiwe every day sonlaynnnj molday txetplnl iklweenuwhnvraoftin ihemoruingand otatneevenju- k i i jone 3rd 18w kwgstqt tvesday tltxmso jvxe 10 1954 our advices hon enghunl am lo thostb may it contain nothing further upon canahin aitair iatritkflom b no la no tilc bt tll cutttt poul boy capttoogood arrived at tln port lam eve ning from falmouth iiightlhl ttllrtocu she ailrd on the 6th of may tier cnio as we harn con- fthiicd of a single titter iddrcasrd w u mercantile house in this city she did not brio a single pa per nor a ton of freight kahnonlh i a station on ihe southern cowl ol kuhiud in llitr county of cornwall bf despatch vcsel and the nrcun bbincts under which zduha arrived vwy nutufttliy rxctte uu lntlc curiosiix on chau iitiil rlewlierr itnt be thoetwueow oi thtt hmlcmttcr what thev may tbuy nriconsitlomil too good for ihe public rye n3yi ibicoiittiis hr cn carty beat hllkiriullt as tbr iicni iniiiliifinrt hiotijlii by the linwddt ai the rluse the late vu with england a murh wf llic iluu-ili- upiill mr koeltuk nnlim bfiug hilorr rmr farici ui will ouililc lliein b cwsljifvllrilj itic hultject wo tdiall ultor a f w nmarkit tp itw pnibduliiv f a uiiiuu taking pluvr mr stanley tijs very tilainh many prron have uhiilirvd llnl a vtllidy the til would lie ohininuil by nniiui ilio in iitovm of itm lit j liuwor canadii thai such lh iiiutm ai iim pchiil f tlma ui all probability mum tik iilnr i ha link io ilubi bill looking at tin prc itiin vf atfur in ihe- ruhuiih i eunlesh i mn unwilling it- k irji inicui i pttw tl nane- tiun lo mi mrimi an unilen ikiiij a tin iinin l ills iwtt pro- vincch tor the putmmtrf irwliiiiiiin tjn gppiinm of it particular party- at the mom imc 1 initiiinoi in hayinir lluit if cirriimstunri sbmikl dllunatvlv dmv iho coon try to toko any very strong ind violent moaiuu ihat tbo union